Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2935

  1. Periture tuaque aliis documenta dature morte ait ede tuum nomen - Thou fellow, doomed to perish and by thy death to serve as a warning to others, tell me thy name. (Ovid - Metamorphoses)
  2. Permittiur quod non prohibetur - It is permitted what is not prohibited (Legal term)
  3. Persequentur vos in civitate ista, fugite in aliam - If you are persecuted in this city, flee to another (Vulgate - St. Matthew, 10-23)
  4. Persica, pira, poma, requirunt vina bona - Peaches, pears and apples, require good wines
  5. Persona grata - Person who pleases.
  6. Persona non grata - Undesirable person (Diplomatic term)
  7. Pertransivit benefaciendo - Went about doing good. (Vulgate - Acts 10.38 - Sentence of Peter)
  8. Perveni ad templum antequam portas aperirent - Came to the temple before the gates opened.
  9. Pestis eram vivus moriens tua mors ero - In life I was your disease, in death your plague (Martin Luther - start at the beginning of the story, "Metzengerstein" by Edgar Allan Poe, as an aphorism that encloses the conflict beyond the death between the two feuding families)
  10. Petitio principii - Begs the question (Legal term)
  11. Petitio Principii - Petition to the beginning (Philosophical term - Fallacy of assuming that the conclusion has the same meaning as the argument)
  12. Petrus apostulus postatem aceepit - Apostle Peter accepted the power.
  13. Philosophia est scientia omnium rerum sciliscet est cosmovisio realitatis et verbum est expresio conceptus - Philosophy is the science of all things, that is a worldview of the reality and the word is the expression of the concept
  14. Philosophiae Doctoris - Doctor of Philosophy (University Degree - highest academic degree in any field, not restricted to only philosophy - abbreviated as PhD)
  15. Philosophum non facit barba - The beard does not make the philosopher
  16. Pia Civitas in Bello - Pious City in War (Pope Innocent IX (1591) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Patriarch of Jerusalem)
  17. Picturatus ager floribus - The field of painted flowers (Cicero)
  18. Picus Inter Escas - The Peak Among Fodder ( Nicholas IV (1288-1292) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - picus may refer to his supposed birthplace Picenum)
  19. Pignoris Capio - Taking garment (Legal term - Legal action by the creditor to take the debtor's assets to force him to pay the debt)
  20. Pignus conventum - Convention garments (Legal term - Mortgage)
  21. Pignus pignoris - Garment of the garment (Legal term - Security for debt, pledge to pay back)
  22. Pimetabilis anus outrem refrescorum est - A hot pepper in someone else's ass, refreshing is
  23. Pinnae Marinae Pullulant - Marines sprout wings (Royal Air Force motto, No.24 Elementary Flying Training School, 1939-47 - Thank you: Keith Vaughan)
  24. Piscator Minorita - Minorite Fisherman (Pope Sixtus IV (1471-1484) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His father was a fisherman and was a member of the Minor Friars)
  25. Piscator Tuscus - The Tuscan Fisherman (Pope John XXI (1276-1277) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecie - His name was Peter and he was Cardinal in Tusculums - St. Peter, the apostle, was a fisherman)

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