Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2910
- Per Diem - Per day (Used for payment of daily expenses)
- Per fas et per nefas - For one reason or another
- Per incuriam - Through lack of care (Legal term - Lack of due regard to the law or the facts)
- Per obitum - By death (Legal term)
- Per omnia saecula saeculorum - For all ages of ages (forever)
- Per os - By word of mout
- Per Saecula - For the ages (Forever)
- Per saltum - By jumping (Legal term - Without right)
- Per sapientiam et laborem, ad lucem - From the knowledge and work towards the light (Vulgate - Proverbs - Motto on the shield of the University Foundation St. Maarten, Bogota , Colombia.)
- Per scrutinium - By scrutiny (One of the three modes of election of the Roman Pontiff, the only valid today)
- Per se - In and of itself (Philosophical term used in logic - Essential, True without having to refer to something else - Compare with per accidens)
- Per sententiam non debet servitus constitui sed quae declarari - There must not be a (new) sentence served, but it must be declared (Domitius Ulpianus - Digest 8,5,84)
- Per terra et mare - By land and sea (Motto of the Spanish Marines)
- Per varios usus artem experientia fecit - Through varius uses, art makes experience (Tito Manlio Torcuato, Consul Romano)
- Per virtutem ad lucem - In light of the virtue
- Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt - May they perish who have uttered ours (our ideas) before us
- Peregrinatio ad Loca Sancta - Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
- Peregrinus Apostolicus - Apostolic Wanderer or Pilgrim (Pope Pius VI (1775-1799) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because he was in exile during the French revolution)
- Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim - Be patient and tough, this pain will serve you one day (Ovid)
- Pergratum mihi feceris - You would do me a big favor
- Periculosum est credere et non credere; Ergo exploranda est veritas multum, prius quam stulta prave iudicet sententia - It is dangerous to believe and not to believe; Then the truth is a lot of exploration, rather than a silly opinion erroneously that passes judgement (Phaedrus, Fabulae 3, 10: 5))
- Periculum in mora - Danger in delay (Legal term - the risk that the requested remedy may cause canceling the injunction requested)
- Perilli Libertas abstinendi a peccato - Lost the freedom to abstain from sin (Caius Plinius Secundus, Naturalis Historia )
- Perinde ac cadaver - As a corpse (Kill or be killed - Motto of the Jesuits)
- Peritia peritis - Master of masters
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