Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2785
- Omnia Vitae Virtus - Everything in life is Vitue (Motto of "La Paz" school in Veracruz, Mexico)
- Omnibus enim mobilibus mobilior est sapientia - Of all the things that move, wisdom moves the most (Vulgate, the Book of Wisdom 7.24)
- Omnibus nobilibus, nobilior sapientia - Of all the noble things, wisdom is the noblest
- Omnibus omnia est lex - All things for all men is the law
- Omnis amans militat - Every lover makes war (Ovid, Amores, I, 9, 1)
- Omnis animi voluptas, omnisque alacritas in eo sita est, quod quis babeat, quibuscum conferens se, possit magnifice sentire de se ipso - All happiness of mind and all contentment liens in the fact that there is someone with whom, in comparing ourselves, we can have a higher feeling (Philosophical term - Hobbes - de cive)
- Omnis determinatio negatio est - Every determination is a negation (Philosophical term - when you say that something is something, you are implying that it is not something else)
- Omnis mundi creatura, quasi liber et pictura, nobis est in speculum - Each creature of the world is as a book, painting and a mirror for us (Alain of Lille)
- Omnis mundus iucundetur - The entire world is happy (Ecclesiastical term - Christmas Song)
- Omnis res est se ipsa singularis et per nihil aliud - Every thing is individual by virtue of itself and nothing else (Peter Auriol)
- Omnium consensu capax imperii nisi imperasset - According to all he would have been able to govern even though he had never ruled (Publius Cornelius Tacitus - Annals)
- Omnium horarum - Suitable for any tim
- Omnium Potientor Est Sapientia - The power is in full knowledge (Motto of the Central University of Ecuador)
- Onus est honos, qui sustinet rem publicam - The duty is the honor that holds a State (Varro De Lingua Latina, V)
- Onus probandi - The burden of proof (Legal term)
- Ope legis - By disposition of the law (Legal term)
- Opera - Works (Applies to scores or works by musicians, thus opus 45, and so on)
- Opera prima - Work First (First novel from an author / work that comes first)
- Opera sine nomine scripta - Work without written name (Anonymous work)
- Operibus credite, et non verbis - Give credit to the work rather than word
- Oplomachus nunc es, fueras opthalmicus ante Fecisti medicus quod facis oplomachus - Optician you were before, now you're a gladiator, being a doctor you did the same as you do now (Martial - Epigrams Book I, 74)
- Oportet esse ut vivas, non vivere ut edas - Should eat to live, not live to eat (Cicero Rhetoricorum ad Herennium, IV, 7 - attributed to Socrates)
- Oportet Illum Regnare - He must reign
- Optimum cibi condimentum fames - The best seasoning is hunger (Cicero, de Finibus II, 28)
- Optimum non nasci - The best thing is not being born (Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia)
Total: 4204