Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2760

  1. Omne verum, a quocumque dicatur, a Spiritu Sancto est - All truth, regardless who says it, comes from the Holy Spirit (Saint Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologiae)
  2. Omnes trahimur studio laudis - We are all led by the lure of the glory (Ancient Roman proverb)
  3. Omnes una manet nox - The same night awaits us all (Horace)
  4. Omnes viri boni ius ipsum amant - Every good man loves justice. (Cicero)
  5. Omnes volumus plus. Et plus, et plus et plurimus - We all want more. And more, and more and much more (Philosophical term - Human insatiability: "The more you have, the more you want”)
  6. Omni Cellula e Cellula - Every cell comes from a cell (There is no spontaneous life)
  7. Omnia cella o cella - Every living organism comes from another (Philosophical term - there is no spontaneous life)
  8. Omnia Cum Honore - Will all honors (Academic term - Used on degree certificates to indicate exceptional academic standing)
  9. Omnia definitio in iura civilis periculosam est - Every definition in law is dangerous (Legal term - Javolenus)
  10. Omnia dici possunt latine - Everything can be said in Latin. (Academic Term)
  11. Omnia in bonum - Everything turns good (Given the difficulties of the ordinary life, God help us turn things good - Motto of San Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer, Spanish priest and founder of Opus Dei)
  12. Omnia in charitate nituntur - Treat all with charity
  13. Omnia labor optat premium - All work has to be compensated (paid) ( Thank you: K. Mompalao - Malta )
  14. Omnia mea mecum porto - Everything I have, I carry with me
  15. Omnia mecum porto - I carry all of mine with me (Bias, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, when Cyrus army was threating Prien, all his fellow citizens were loading their possessions in preparation to flee, except Bias. He understood that the true riches are in the heart)
  16. Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis - All things change, and we change with the
  17. Omnia per Ipsum Facta Sunt - All things are or happen by themselves (Vulgate - John 1:3)
  18. Omnia praeclara, rara - All very illustrious things are scarce
  19. Omnia saturatio mala, autem perdiciam pessima - All indigestions are bad, but the worst is from eating partridges.
  20. Omnia secundum litem fiunt - All things are raised by way of strife or battle (Heraclitus - Philosophical term - Prologue of Celestina)
  21. Omnia siccis dura - Everything is hard for the dry (Epicurean ruling, indicating that people are sad when they do not drink)
  22. Omnia sunt plena Iovis - All are full of Jupiter (Virgil)
  23. Omnia tempus habent - All things have their time
  24. Omnia vincit Amor; et nos cedamus Amori - Love triumphs over everything; let's give way to love (Virgil in "Bucolics")
  25. Omnia vincit labor improbus - All can be done with dedicated effort

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