Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2643

  1. Non verbis, sed factis stamdum est - We are the facts, not words (Legal Term Requires burden of proof on the person who makes the claim - I Crespo)
  2. Non verbis, sed rebus - Not with words, with things.
  3. Nona hora - Ninth hour of the day
  4. Nonne tuam opinionem scio? - Don’t I know what you think?
  5. Nos non veniamus de reges - We do not come from kings
  6. Nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati - We are just statistics, born to consume resources. ( Thank you: Philip Allen )
  7. Nos onera quibusdam bestiis, nos iuga imponimus - We put loads and yokes to certain animals (Cicero De Natura Deorum II, 151 )
  8. Nos vadum victum - We shall conquer
  9. Nosce te ipsum et nosces universum et deos - Know thyself and you will know the universe and the gods (Motto of Socrates which he took from the walls of the Oracle of Delphi)
  10. Nosmetipsi nobis solutio sumus - We ourselves (and nothing else) are the solution for us (It is the St. Augustine answer to the question Mihi quaestio factus sum)
  11. Nota bene - Note well (Grammatical term - Indicates to pay attention abbreviated as n.b.)
  12. Notare tabellam sanguine - Write a table with blood (Cicero)
  13. Nova nupta - New Bride
  14. Nova sunt qui dicitis, mira sunt qui dicitis, falsa sunt qui dicitis - New are the things you say, wonderful are the things that you say, false are the things you say. (St. Augustine, to the the Manichees, in his "Confessions")
  15. Novem Iovis concordes filiae sorores - Nine sisters, daughters of Jupiter, always agree
  16. Noverim me, noverim Te - Let me know myself, let me know You ( St. Augustine - The more that we know ourselves, the more that we would know God who made us for Himself - Thank you: Fr. Anthony P. Irineo, OAR )
  17. Novissima verba - Very recent words
  18. Novus de Virgine Forti - New From the Virgin Fort (Pope Gregory XI (1370-1378) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Cardinal of Santa Maria Nuova, New St. Mary)
  19. Novus homo - New man
  20. Novus Ordo Missae - New Protestant church (Ecclesiastical term)
  21. Novus Ordo Seclorum - A new order of the ages (Look at bottom of the pyramid drawn in one-dollar bills and letters with roman numerals MDCCLXXVI. It means the beginning of a new era beginning on the above date, 1776, the U.S. Independence)
  22. Nox atra cava circunvolat umbra - The night surrounds us with its black shadow (Virgil: Aeneid II, 360)
  23. Nulla dies sine linea - Not a day without a line (Pliny the Elder - Do not let day go by without reading or writing at least one line)
  24. Nulla fluat cuius non meminiscere velis - Let no time pass that is not worth to remember (Phrase inscribed in a sundial)
  25. Nulla poena sine lege - No punishment without law (Legal term - No one can be punished for an act that occurred before the law that defined the act as a crime)

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