Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2585
- Non Ducor, Duco - I am not led, I lead (Motto of the coat of arms of São Paulo City, Brasil - Thank you: Decio Frederico Viccino )
- Non enim te celavi sermonem - In fact, I did not hide the speech (Cicero - Family letter)
- Non enim veni vocare iustos sed peccatores - I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners (Said by Jesus Christ - Vulgate - Matthew 9, 13)
- Non erat his locus - It was not the right site (Inappropriate place)
- Non erit impossibile apud Deum omne verbum - There is nothing impossible for God (Vulgate - Luke 1, 37)
- Non est ad astra mollis e terris via - There is no easy way from the earth to the stars (Seneca)
- Non est curiosus, quin idem sit malevolus - There is no curious man but has some malevolence to quicken his curiosity (Francis Bacon (1561-1626 - Essays, Civil and Moral - On Envy)
- Non est hoc propter hoc sed propter est hoc - It is said this, because of that, but not because of this, it is said that (St. Thomas Aquinas - In Summa. It refers to the confusion of causes)
- Non est mater Natura, sed Noverca - Nature is not a Mother but a Stepmother (The world is a hostile place)
- Non est opus valentibus medico sed male habentibus - The healthy do not need the doctor, but the sick do (Said by Jesus Christ - Vulgate - Matthew 9, 12)
- Non estetica sine etica - There is no aesthetic without ethics (Inscribed in the front door of the cathedral of Cuenca, in Castilla, La Mancha, Spain)
- Non facit ebrietas vitia, sed protrahit - Drunkenness does create flaws, it just shows them (Seneca - recommending temperance in drinking)
- Non faciunt meliorem equum aurei freni - Gold bridle does not make a better horse (The value does not depend on external ornaments)
- Non fecit taliter omni natione - [God] has not done this for any other nation (or people) (Vulgate - Psalm 147, 20)
- Non fortuna homines aestimabo, sed moribus - I do not estimate the men for their fortune, but for their habits (Seneca)
- Non habbiate paura! Aperite portas Christi! - Don't be afraid! Open the doors to Christ! (Ecclesiastical term - Pronounced by Karol Wojtyla (Saint John Paul II) when he was elected Pope)
- Non impedimenti ratione cogitationis - Without the impediment of rational thought (Motto of the radio show "Car Talk" - Conloquium Currus )
- Non in folio sed in capitolio - Not on the sheet, but in the mind (Legal Term - Refers to agreements or contracts, to be interpreted as "not in writing, but to the gods," since "capitol" refers to the place where the Temple or Chruch stood)
- Non in solo panem homo - Not by bread alone lives man
- Non inquam iam quaero unde haec habueris sed quo tantum tibi opus fuerit - I did not ask you where you got it, but why so much work has been necessary (Cicero - In Verrem II )
- Non intratur in veritatem, nisi per caritatem - No one enters the truth, with out love (Augustine)
- Non is sum qui improbos laudem - I'm not such person who praises the wicked
- Non liquet - It is not clear
- Non mihi sit laudi quod eram velut alter Apelles, sed quod tuis meritis omnia, Christe, dabam - Do not praise me because I was like another Apelles, but because everything handed, O Christ, by your merits. (Epitaph on the tomb of the most spiritual of the Italian painters, Pietro di Guidolino - Apelles was a great Greek painter)
- Non multa, sed multum - Not many, but much
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