- Noli me vocare ego te vocabo - Do not call me, I will call you
- Noli tangere meos circles - Do not touch my circle (Archimedes to a Roman soldier, before he killed him in Syracuse, fearing that the soldier will erase the circles he was drawing in the sand)
- Noli tangere, sed vide - Look, but don't touch
- Noli timere malum, sed time heroa - Do not fear the villain, fear the hero (From the series The Library)
- Nolite mitere margaritas ante porcos - Do not throw daisies at pigs (Vulgate - Matthew 7.6)
- Nolite te bastardes carborundorum - Don't let the bastards grind you down
- Nomen est omen - The name is everything
- Nomen iuris - Legal name (Legal Term - Principle that says that legal words must reflect reality)
- Nomina magna sequor - We follow the greatest (Inscribed in a Mexican gold coin in 1760 and 1761 - Had the face of Charles III on the other side)
- Nomina Numina - Names are auspices
- Nomina si nescis, perit et cognitio rerum - If you do not know the name of things, you lose all knowledge of them (Carlos Linnaeus (1707-1778), who is considered the father of the zoological taxonomy)
- Non aeternum pluit - It does not rain forever
- Non audimus ea quae ab natura monemur - We do not notice the things that nature warns us about (Cicero - Laelius De Amicitia)
- Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro - Freedom is not for sale any amount of gold (Words mentioned in the Preface of "Don Quixote de la Mancha" - 1605 - by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)
- Non bis in idem - Not the same thing twice (Legal term - Principle of double jeopardy - Nobody can be tried twice for the same offense)
- Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat - It is not the heat, it is the humidity that is uncomfortable (That is why we prefer “dry heat”)
- Non causa pro causa - No reason for the cause (Legal term - used to argue the lack of basis when claiming a right)
- Non cives: Liberti et servi - Non-citizens: freemen and slaves (Social class during the Republican era in ancient Rome)
- Non compos mentis - Without control of his mind (Crazy)
- Non culum batum belli, culum batum culum mortis - Queers do not go to war. Fag that goes, fag that dies (It is an expression used when someone is afraid of something)
- Non curo - I do not care
- Non decet - Not appropriate
- Non diligamus verbo nec lingua sed in opere et veritate - Let us not love with word or with tongue, but with deeds and truth (Vulgate - verse 3, 18 of the 1st Epistle of John)
- Non domo dominus, sed domino domus honestanda est - Not in our lineage, but our actions, we must seek is the luster of our names (Cicero - In response to people who boast that their name comes from noble lineage)
- Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux - Do not let the dragon (devil) be my guide (Ecclesiastical term - Initials on the back of the Cross of San Benito Abad - Abbreviated as NDSMD)
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