Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2504
- Nihil consensui tam contrarium est, quam vis atque metus: quem comprobare contra bonos mores est - There is nothing so contrary to consent as violence and fear, so if a valid consent given, this would be flawed by morality (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest, 50, 17, 116 pr -)
- Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione - I'm not interested in your stupid superstitions.
- Nihil dulcis post Deum laboris fructus - After God, there is nothing sweeter than the fruit of labor
- Nihil est ab omni parte beatum - Nothing is only happiness (Horace - Carmina)
- Nihil est in intellectu quod prius non fuerit in sensu - There is nothing in the intellect without first passing through the senses (Philosophical term - you cannot grasp a concept without the assistance of the experience)
- Nihil est in vita priore ego imperator romanus fui - That is nothing. In a past life I was Emperor of Rome
- Nihil est omnino beatum - Nothing is wholly happy
- Nihil est qui nihil amat - Nothing is, the one who nothing loves (Plautus, 'The Persian')
- Nihil est sine ratione - Nothing without reason (Philosophical term - Leibniz - There is a reason for everything, all can be explained)
- Nihil est virtute pulchrius - There is nothing more beautiful that virtue (Cicero)
- Nihil humani a me alienum puto - Nothing human is foreign to me (I think of others)
- Nihil ineptus risu inepto - There is nothing more stupid, than silly laughter
- Nihil innovetur - Let nothing new be introduced (Ecclesiastical term - Principle governing the period of "vacant headquarters," or Sede Vacante Nihil Innovetur after the death of a Pope)
- Nihil Labore - Nothing to work
- Nihil lacrima citius arescit - Nothing dries sooner than a tear (Cicero - Everyone's willingness to quickly forget pain)
- Nihil libertatis maius - Nothing bigger than liberty (Motto Freedom Foundation of Paraguay - Inspired by the phrase Nihil Roma Maius, nothing bigger than Rome)
- Nihil medium est - Nothing is in the middle (There is no middle ground, no compromise, no average)
- Nihil nimis - Nothing with excess (Horace)
- Nihil novum sub sole - There is nothing new under the sun (Vulgate - Ecclesiastes 1, 9 )
- Nihil obstat - Nothing prevents (Legal Term - Refers to the authorization to conduct certain acts)
- Nihil obstat quominus imprimatur - There is no impediment to allow printing (Authorization given for publication of a work)
- Nihil operi Dei praeponatur - Nothing should take precedence in the service of God
- Nihil opust nobis ancilla nisi quae texat quae molat - We do not need any slave, if not for weaving and grinding (Plautus - Mercator Actus I, 400)
- Nihil pavendum est tessera hac regali - There is nothing to fear in the shade of royal banners
- Nihil prius fide - Nothing in front of the faith (Motto of notaries)
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