Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2479
- Nemo pro parte testatus pro parte intestatus decedere potest - No one can die having partly made a will and partly not (Legal term)
- Nemo provocare, nemo audet offendere quem intellegit superiorem esse, si pugnet - Nobody dares to lead, no one dares to offend those who understands that the fight is over
- Nemo repente fit sapiens - No one suddenly becomes wise
- Nemo repente fuit turpissimus - No one suddenly becomes bad (Decimus Junius Juvenalis - Satires II, 83)
- Nemo sua sorte contentus - Nobody is happy with his own luck
- Nemo tene tui se ips cum - Nobody takes you the same as themselves
- Nemo tenetur edere contra se - Nobody is forced to go against himself (.. to confess to his injury - Legal term)
- Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare - No one is obligated to incriminate or accuse himself (Legal term)
- Nemo vivit in practeritum - Nobody lives in the past tense (Legal term)
- Nequaquam - By no means
- Nequaquam vacui - No way, emptiness (Philosophical term -. Similar to "Horror vacui", horror of emptiness, this reference is mainly used in architecture, although some argue that it is a Masonic or Rosicrucian principle, where nature tends to fill empty spaces)
- Neque dicent ecce hic aut ecce illic ecce enim regnum Dei intra vos est - Do not say, "Look, here it is" or "there it is", for the kingdom of God is within you (Vulgate - Luke 17, 21 - Said by Jesus Christ)
- Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem - There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain, but because sometimes circumstances arise in such a way that with effort and pain they can obtain some great pleasure (Cicero - De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum I:32, “On the Extremes of Good and Evil” - This phrase was corrupted to produce the "Lorem Ipsum" text used to as a placeholder to show the layout of a document)
- Neque semper arcum tendit Apollo - Nor does Apollo keep his bow continually drawn (Horace, Carmina 2/10:19-20)
- Neque si Spiritum Sanctum esse audivimus - Neither of us knew that the Holy Spirit existed (Quote of the Athenians to San Pablo)
- Neque terrent monstra - Monsters do not scare us
- Nescentia necat - Ignorance kill
- Nescio quid agam - I do not know what to do
- Nescio quid dicas - I do not understand what you say
- Nescio quid tu agas - I do not know what you doing
- Nescit vox missa reverti - The words can not return (Horace)
- Ni te plus oculis meis amarem - If I did not love you more than my own eyes (Gaius Valerius Catulo, Roman poet, 87-54 AC)
- Nihil admirare - Nothing to admir
- Nihil amatur nisi comprenditur - You do not love what you do not know
- Nihil bonum, volupatate dominante, evenire - Nothing good can come out of dominating pleasure
Total: 4203