Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2396

  1. Nam et ipsa scientia potestas es - Science is power (Sir Francis Bacon, English lawyer 1561-1626)
  2. Nam semper in civitate quibus opes nullae sunt bonis invident - Well, in the city those who have nothing always envy the good
  3. Nam si violandum est ius, regnandi gratia Violandum est: allis rebus pietaten colas - If there is a right to violate, violate everything to reign, but respect everything else (Legal term)
  4. Nam, ut eleganter Celsus definit, ius est ars boni et aequi - As Celsus elegantly defined it, the law is the art of good and fair (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - The phrase "Ius est ars boni et Aequi" belongs to Celsus’s son - Ulpianus Digest Domitius collected 1,1,1)
  5. Namque pauci libertatem, pars magna iustos dominos volunt - Few men desire freedom, the greater part desire just masters (Philosophical term - Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
  6. Nasciturus - Who will be born (It refers to the person who is not yet born, but who has been conceived and will be born when after pregnancy)
  7. Nascuntur poetas, fiunt oratores - Poets are born, the politicians are made
  8. National University of Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina)
  9. Natura abhorret vacuum - Nature abhors a vacuum
  10. Natura duce, errare nullo pacto potest - When nature guides us, there is no way to make a mistake (Philosophical term - The goodness of nature)
  11. Natura humana aevi brevis est - Human nature is feeble, and of a short existence
  12. Natura ingenium disecta cadavera pandit; plus quan vitae more taciturna docet - The cadaver dissection demonstrates the wisdom of nature; more talkative than life, teaches us the taciturn death (Motto of Pedro Virgili, first director of the Military Medical College in Cadiz, Spain)
  13. Natura naturans - Nature naturing (Philosophic Term - Baruch Spinoza - Nature is becoming wilder, as opposed to Nature naturata or Nature is maturing)
  14. Natura naturata - Mature maturing (Philosophic Term - Nature is maturing, as opposed to Nature naturans or Nature is becoming wilder)
  15. Natura nihil facit frustra - Nature does nothing in vane
  16. Natura non consitatur - Nature is not saddening (Nature makes no mistakes, whatever it does is necessary, therefore it it not sad.)
  17. Natura non facit saltus - Nature does not make leaps
  18. Natura sanat, medicus curat - The physician treats, nature cure (Medical term)
  19. Naturae rationalis individua substantia - Individual substance of a rational nature (Scholastic definition of "person")
  20. Naturalis Ratio - Natural Reason (Legal term)
  21. Naturam Subiecit Aliis - Nature subjugated to our allies (or subjugate the forces of nature for the benefit of the humanity - Motto of the School of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH) in Mexico)
  22. Natus ad Summa Cum Laude - Born for the highest honor (Nobility)
  23. Natus Vincere - Born to win (Motto used by the Roman army)
  24. Nauta de Ponte Nigro (Sailor From the Black Bridge (Pope Gregory XII (1406 - 1415) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Commendatarius of the Church of Nigripontis, Black Bridge)
  25. Navigare necesse; vivere non est necesse - Sailing is necessary, to live is not necessary (Pompey the Great(106 - 48 BC) directed this phrase to some sailors)

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