Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2371

  1. Mulier taceat in Ecclesia - Let the woman be silent in church
  2. Multa hospicia, nullas amicitias - Many acquaintances, no friends
  3. Multa pausia - Much in a nutshell
  4. Multa renascentur, quae iam cecidere, cadentque quae nunc sunt in honore vocabula, si volet usus, quem penes arbitrium est et ius et norma loquendi
    - Many words will be reborn that have already been lost and will fall into oblivion voices that today have prestige, if that is what usage wants, who is the true arbiter and ruler of the language
    (Horace - Ars poetica These famous lines condense one of the most thoughtful considerations about language that a poet has ever made)
  5. Multi autem sunt vocati pauci vero electi - Many are called but few chosen (Vulgate, Matthew 22,14 - Said by Jesus Christ)
  6. Multis e gentibus vires - From many people, strength (Motto of Saskatchewan, Canada)
  7. Multo autem ad rem magis pertinet quallis tibi vide aris quam allis - It is much more important what you think of yourself, than what others think of you (Seneca)
  8. Multum in parvo - Much in little
  9. Multum, non multa - Much, not many (Quality before quantity)
  10. Mundus appellatur caelum, terra, mare et aer - The world is called to heaven, earth, sea and air (Septimivs phrase Tertvlianvs Florens)
  11. Mundus est omnia natura rerum conceptio summa, caelumque sideribus conformatum - The world is in an all-encompassing concept, all things in nature and the sky formed by the stars (Marcvs Vitrubivs Pollio in the book "De Architectura")
  12. Mundus nihil pulcherrimum - The world is a beautiful thing (Giordano Bruno said this before being burned at a stake)
  13. Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur - The world wants to be deceived because it is (Francesco Petrarca, Italian poet 1304-1374)
  14. Munera census - Census obligation (obligation to regularly register in the census in ancient Rome)
  15. Munera militia - Military obligation (Obligation to serve in the army during in ancient Rome )
  16. Munera tributum - Tribute oblication (Obligation to pay taxes in ancient Rome)
  17. Munificentissimus Deus - The most bountiful God (Ecclesiastical term - Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XII) )
  18. Munimentum ex monumento - After the palace is the monument
  19. Munus palpandus oios videndus - Touching with hands and seeing with eyes (Philosophical term - Expression of St. Thomas - when Christ was resurrected he was not present. When Jesus later appeared, St. Thomas said he did not believe he resurrected unless he puts his fingers in Jesus' wound)
  20. Musae poetis gloriam dant - Muses give glory to the poets.
  21. Mutatio controversiae - Changing the subject (in a conversation)
  22. Mutatis mutandis - With the necessary changes (Legal term - This term applies to something that is simply comparative, used to give an example. When applying the law, just "change what you need to be changed")
  23. Mutato nomine - Changing the name
  24. Mysterium fidei - The mystery of faith (Encyclical written by Pablo VI)
  25. Nam cum iudicatur rem meam esse, simul iudicatur illius non esse - When it is judged that the object is mine, it is judged that it belongs to nobody else (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest 3,3,40,2)

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