Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2185
- Lux, Pax, Vis - Light, Peace, Force (Motto of the Normal School "Miguel F. Martinez" Centenaria and Benemerita")
- Lux unitas clarior - Light becomes brighter when focused (Motto of the first Venezuelan Republic, 1811-1812)
- Lux, Veritas et Virtus - Light, Truth and virtue (Northeastern University Motto in Boston, Massachusetts)
- Macte nova virtute puer: sic itur ad astra - Look to your new-found courage, young man, for that is the way to the stars! (Aphorism taken from Virgil’s Aeneid . Is now used to emphasize the willingness to fight and put effort in difficult situations. The last part (Sic itur ad astra) contained in the shield of the Colombian Air Force)
- Maestitiam pellere exanimis - Spirit away from the sadness
- Magis esse quam videri oportet - It is more important to be, than to appear
- Magister dixit - The teacher said it (Philosophical term - Fallacy that considers something is true, just because the teacher said it. It is another form of Argumentum ad verecundiam )
- Magister dixt; curia nula alegans - When the magister has spoken, the people have nothing to say.
- Magister equitum - Head of knighthood
- Magister in Artibus - MA - Master of Arts (University Degree - abbreviated as MA)
- Magister in Negotiis Administrandis - Master of Business Administration (University Degree - MBA - Latin version abbreviated as MNA)
- Magister in Scientiis - Master of Science (University Degree - Abbreviated as MSc)
- Magister militum - Head of soldiers
- Magister Mundi sum - I am the master of the world
- Magister Navis - Captain of the ship
- Magister officiorum - Head office
- Magna Cum Laude - With Great Praise (Academic term - Used on degree certificates to indicate exceptional academic standing)
- Magna est veritas et praevalet - The truth is great and it prevails (Motto of Horace Mann School in Bronx, NY)
- Magna Hispalense - The great Hispalis (Motto of the Cathedral of Seville, Spain)
- Magna pars mei mortem vitabit. - A great part of me will avoid death. (Thank you: Robert)
- Magni nominis umbra - The shadow of a great name (refers to Pompey and applies to men who lived during that time)
- Magnificat anima mea Dominum et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo - My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior (Luke 1, 46-47)
- Magnis itineribus - Forced marches (Military phrase)
- Magno dedo cordi, erit tibi hoc - Deliver your heart magnificently, this will succeed
- Magnopere patrem diligebat quamquam eum numquam viderat - He loved his father, although he had never seen him
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