Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2160

  1. Lucem adspicio - See the light (Motto of the University of Costa Rica)
  2. Luceo non uro - I shine, I do not burn (Motto of the McKenzie clan)
  3. Lucernam adhibere in meridie - View the Sun with a flashlight (Erasmus, Dutch writer and scholar born in Rotterdam, 1467-1536)
  4. Lucidus ordo - A clear layout
  5. Lucrum cessans - Profit ceased (Legal term - Llost of the opportunity to make a profit)
  6. Luctor et Emergo - I struggle and come up (Motto of Zeeland, the province of the Netherlands which is mostly below sea level)
  7. Luctus terrenus est, Glorior est semper - Pain is temporary, Pride is forever
  8. Lucus a non lucendo - A forest that can’t be seen
  9. Ludi Saeculares - Secular Games
  10. Ludus perditus - Lost games (End of the good times)
  11. Lumen in Caelo - Light in The Sky (Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His coat of arms had a shooting star)
  12. Lumina spargo - Spread light (Motto of the University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia)
  13. Luna Cosmedina - The Moon of Cosmedin (Pope Anti-pope Benedict XIII (1394-1423) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His last name was "de Luna", "of the moon")
  14. Lunae dies - The day of the Moon (Moon day i.e. Monday)
  15. Lupa Caelestina - Celestinian or Heavenly She-Wolf (Pope Eugene IV (1431-1447) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Bishop of Siena which bears a she-wolf on its coat of arms)
  16. Lupi Reali - Royal Wolves
  17. Lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit - A man is a wolf, and not a man, to another man, for as long as he doesn't know what he is like (Plautus - Asinaria)
  18. Lupus et agnus ad eundem rivum veverant - The wolf and the lamb going to the same river to drink (The enemy can be found in the most unexpected places)
  19. Lupus in aquam potant - The wolf drinks in the water
  20. Lusitania tessera omni armatura fortior - Lusitania with his banner can do more than all the armors (Motto of RCLAC (Cavalry Regiment of Light Cuirers) Lusitania 8)
  21. Lux et Veritas - Light and Truth (Motto of the University of Yale)
  22. Lux Fulget in aqua - The light shines in the water
  23. Lux in Ostio - A Light in the Entrance (Pope Lucius III (1181-1185) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His name was Lucius and he was born in Lucca (both names derive from lux, light) and was bishop of Ostia (gate))
  24. Lux Lucis Humaninate - Light of lights for Humanity
  25. Lux Mundi - World light (Motto and the name of "Lux Mundi College" located in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)

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