Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2143

  1. Lignum vitae - Tree of Life (Book written by Arnold Wion in 1595 which recounts papal prophecies of Saint Malachy)
  2. Lilium et Rosa - Lily and Rose (Pope Urban VIII (1623-1644) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because of conflicts between France (Lily) and England (Rose))
  3. Lingua Franca - Common language (Diplomatic Term)
  4. Litis contestatio - Demand answered (Legal term )
  5. Litis denuntiatio - Demand Served (Legal term )
  6. Loco Citato - In the place cite (Often abbreviated as loc. cit.)
  7. Locus amoenus - Loving place, pleasant
  8. Locus dolenti - The place where it hurts (In medicine: To apply medicine on the place where it hurts)
  9. Locus eremus - Solitary place (Love phrase - Refers to sensations and feelings of anxiety, fear, uncertainty, unhappiness and loneliness)
  10. Locus regit actum - The venue, the act governing (Legal term)
  11. Locus sigilli - Place of the stamp
  12. Longa manu - With short hand (Legal term - With warrant - Ownership by contract - Compare with longa manu)
  13. Longam esse duorum temporum brevem unius etiam pueri sciunt - Even boys know that the one called long takes up two beats, and the one calles short, one (Quintilian Institutio oratoria IX, 4, 47)
  14. Lubrica Nox - Luxurious night
  15. Luce sunt clariora tua concilia omnia - All your advice is clearer than the light (Cicero)
  16. Lucem adspicio - See the light (Motto of the University of Costa Rica)
  17. Luceo non uro - I shine, I do not burn (Motto of the McKenzie clan)
  18. Lucernam adhibere in meridie - View the Sun with a flashlight (Erasmus, Dutch writer and scholar born in Rotterdam, 1467-1536)
  19. Lucidus ordo - A clear layout
  20. Lucrum cessans - Profit ceased (Legal term - Llost of the opportunity to make a profit)
  21. Luctor et Emergo - I struggle and come up (Motto of Zeeland, the province of the Netherlands which is mostly below sea level)
  22. Luctus terrenus est, Glorior est semper - Pain is temporary, Pride is forever
  23. Lucus a non lucendo - A forest that can’t be seen
  24. Ludi Saeculares - Secular Games
  25. Ludus perditus - Lost games (End of the good times)

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