Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2118

  1. Lex posterior derogat priori - Later law repeals (cancels) the previous (legal term)
  2. Lex posterior generalis non derogat priori speciali - Later general legislation does not overrule earlier special legislation (Legal term)
  3. Lex Scripta, Lex Tradita - The law is written, the law is given (Legal term)
  4. Lex Titia: Triumviri rei publicae constituendae - Titia law: The Board of Three to reconstitute the state
  5. Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt - Men freely believe in whatever they want (Julius Caesar)
  6. Liber de arboribus - Book of Trees (Work of Lucius Junius Moderatus)
  7. Liber de locis sanctis - Book of Holy Places
  8. Liber in Excelsis - Book in the Highest.
  9. Liber Tobiae, licet non habeatur in canone, tamen usurpatur ab ecclesiasticis viris - The Book of Tobit, although not in the canon, it is often used by men in church (St. Jerome )
  10. Libera nos Domine - Deliver us, Lord
  11. Liberae sunt nostrae cogitationes - Our thoughts are free (Cicero Pro Milone oratio 79 )
  12. Liberate Te Ex Inferis - Save Yourself from Hell
  13. Liberi esto felicitatem et gloriam consecuto salva Cruce - Under the protection of the cross, be free and obtain happiness and glory (Motto of the first flag of the Republic of Ecuador)
  14. Liberis est existimandus qui nulli turpitudini servit - It is considered free, the one who serves no disgrace
  15. Libertas capitur - Freedom is winning (Motto of the University Austral de Chile )
  16. Libertas est potestas faciendi id quod iure liceo - Freedom is the power to do what the law allows (Legal term)
  17. Libertas perfundet omnia luce - Freedom spreads the light over everyone
  18. Libertas quae sera tamen - Freedom although late (Motto of Brasil’s Minas Gerais State)
  19. Libertate unanimus - United in freedom (Motto of the Netherlands Antilles)
  20. Liberum arbitrium - Free will
  21. Liberum, veto - Freely, I oppose
  22. Librorum Prohibitorum - Index of Prohibited Books (Is a list of those publications which the Catholic Church described as pernicious books for faith)
  23. Licentia loquendi - Freedom to speak (Diplomatic Term - permission or licenses to talk)
  24. Licentia poetica - Poetic license (Seneca)
  25. Lignum crucis - Wood of the cross

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