Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1701

  1. Ignis numquam dicit sufficit - The fire never says enough (Academic Term - Motto of the College Loyola University of Valladolid, Spain)
  2. Ignoramus - We don't know
  3. Ignoramus et ignorabimus - We don't know and we ignore it
  4. Ignoranti, quem portum petat, nullus suus ventus est - For those who don't know which port they are headed to, no wind is favorable (Seneca)
  5. Ignorantia facti, non iuris excusatur - Ignorance excuses, that is ignorance of fact but not of law (Legal term)
  6. Ignorantia legis nocet - Being ignorant of law harms (Legal term - Not knowing the law does not prevent punishment, if the law is broken)
  7. Ignorantia legis nocet - Ignorance of the law is harmful (Legal term - Ignorance of the law is no protection for punishment)
  8. Ignoratio Elenchi - Avoiding the question (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy that consists in changing the subject, arguing a different point, than the one in question)
  9. Ignoti nulla cupido - The unknown does not temp
  10. Ignotum per ignotium - Unknown to the very unknown
  11. Illa autem sapientia rerum est divinarum et humanarum scientia in qua continetur deorum et hominum communitas et societas inter ipsos - The wisdom (jurisprudence) is the knowledge of divine and human matters, this knowledge contains the community of gods and men and the association between them (Legal Term - Cicero - de Officiis 1,4,3,153)
  12. Illac - That way
  13. Ille me amplexus atque osculans flere prohibebat - Hugging me and kissing me, he prevented me from crying (Love phrase - Cicero)
  14. Illegitimi non carborundum - Don't let the bastards grind you down
  15. Illi levia, hi falsa formidant, nos utraque - Those have minor things, these have false things, we have both. (Seneca - Epistulae morales ad Lucilium I, 4, 2)
  16. Illumina Domine vultum tuum super nos - Lord shine his countenance upon us. (Found on a medal with the face of Jesus on it. - Thank you: Jeff S. Gepfert)
  17. Illuminatio mea virtus - Illuminate my virtue
  18. Imaginatio regnabimus super terram - Imagination rules the world ( Thank you: L. Lawliet )
  19. Imagines maiorum - Statues of ancestors
  20. Imaginis honor ad prototypum pervenit - The honor rendered to an image goes to the prototype. (Ecclesiastical term - Explains that the veneration of images is addressed not to the image itself, but the person it represents)
  21. Imberbum sacerdotis - Sacred, with no beard (oath)
  22. Impedio iniuriam cum possum - I prevent injustice whenever I can
  23. Imperator - Emperor (Commander of the Army -Abbreviated as Imp.)
  24. Imperium - Empire (Abbreviated as IMP.)
  25. Imperium et Libertas - Empire and Liberty (Cicero)

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