Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 1676
- Iactura paucorum serva multos - We sacrifice the few to save the many (Military logic - Thank you: Ed Persons)
- Iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto - Now a new generation is let down from Heaven above (Virgil - Eclogues IV, 7)
- Iam servi fugere apparabant cum erus adfuit - The servants were preparing to flee when the master appeared
- Ibi deficit orbis - Here ends the world
- Ibidem - In the same place (Grammatical term - Used in footnotes to indicate that the reference/source is the same as above - abbreviated as Id. or Ibid.)
- Ibit, ibit eo quo vis qui zonam perdidit - The one who has lost his money-belt will go where you wish (Horace - Epistulae II - In reference to soldiers that lose their will to fight after they gain possessions that they want to preserve, but once the lose them they are willing to fight again)
- Id bonum cura quod vetustate fit melius - Take care of the good since it improves with age (Seneca Epistulae ad Lucilium II, 15, 5)
- Id certum est quod certum reddi potest - That is certain that can be made certain (Legal term)
- Id est - That is (Grammatical term abbreviated as i.e.)
- Id pro vero solum habendum est in Scripturis divinis, quod LXX interpretes transtulerunt: quoniam id solum est quod auctoritate apostolica confirmatum est - We must only consider as truth of God, what the 70 translators transmitted to us, as only this has been confirmed by apostolic authority (Rufino affirmation)
- Id quod plerumque accidit - Things that occur frequently (Legal term - Legal Status of assumptions)
- Id quod semper aequum ac bonum est, ius dicitur - That what is always fair and good, it's called justice (Legal term)
- Idem Corpus - Identity of the body (Legal term - Identity of the lost item, the same object)
- Idem Eadem Idem - One and the same
- Idem per idem - One for the same
- Idoneus homo - A proper man (Legal term)
- Iesus Hic Sacramentum - The Sacrament of Jesus (Abbreviated as IHS)
- Iesus Hominum Salvator - Jesus Savior of men (Abbreviated as IHS)
- Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum - Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews (Inscribed on top of Jesus' cross - Vulgate: Matthew 27,37, Mark 15,26; Luke 23,38; and y John 19,19 - Abbreviated as INRI)
- Ignavi coram morte quidem animam trahunt, audaces autem illam non saltem advertunt - The cowards agonize about death, the brave don't even notice it (Julius Caesar)
- Igne Natura Renovatur Integra - Nature is completely renewed by fire (Pagan belief that the soul could be purified by fire - Also matches the INRI abbreviation on top of Jesus' Cross - Masonic Motto)
- Ignem veni mittere in terram et quid volo si accendatur - I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled! (Said by Jesus Christ - Vulgate - Luke 12, 49)
- Ignis Ardens - Burning Fire (Pope St. Pius X (1903-1914) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place)
- Ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros - Fire provides proof of gold; misery, proof of strong men
- Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram - Fire completely renews nature (Another version of the masonic motto - Abbreviated as INRI)
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