Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1591

  1. Hic prope morn est - My death is near (Words of Nostradamus, prophesying the day and hour of his own death)
  2. Hic Raphael a quo timuit Natura sospite vinci, magna parens rerum et moriente mori - Here lies Raphael, who Nature, the great mother of things, feared to be vanquished when he dies. (Epitaph on the tomb of Raphael Zanzio Urbino)
  3. Hic Rhodus, hic salta! - Rhodes is here, here is where you jump! (Latin translation of one of Aesop's Fables - Ιδου η Ροδος, ιδου και το πηδημα - An athlete bragged that in Rhodes he had jumped very high and that there were many witnesses who had seen him do it. Those who listened replied that they did not need witnesses, he could prove it by repeating the feat there)
  4. Hierosolyma Est Perdita - Jerusalem is destroyed (Roman cheer after the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem - This is where the Hep-Hep Hurray comes from)
  5. Hierusalem Campaniae - Jerusalem in campaign (Pope Urban IV (1261-1264) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born in Troyes, Champagne, and had the title Patriarch of Jerusalem)
  6. His lacrimis vitam damus - We give life to tears (Virgil)
  7. Historia magistra vitae et testis temporum - History is the teacher and witness of times (Cicero)
  8. Hoc aliquid - This thing (Refers to the "individual" using the general doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas)
  9. Hoc caverat mens provida reguli - The sighted Regulus had taken this into account (Horace - Odes - It is now used as a "Monday morning quarterback" - Someone who is right after the fact)
  10. Hoc erat in votis - This was on my wishlist
  11. Hoc est corpus meum - This is my body (Vulgate - Luke 22, 19 - Said by Jesus Christ during the last supper)
  12. Hoc est praeceptum meum ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos - This is my commandment to you, to love one another as I have loved you (Said by Jesus Christ - Vulgate - John 15, 12)
  13. Hoc facite in meam commemorationem - Do this in remembrance of me (Vulgate - Mark 22, 19 - Said by Jesus Christ during the last supper)
  14. Hoc, hic mysterium fidei firmiter profitemur - Here is the mystery of faith that we strongly profess (Motto of Lugo, City and Province in Galicia, Spain)
  15. Hoc in Anno - In this year (Used in many songs dedicated to the New Year)
  16. Hoc non pereo habebo fortior me - What does not kill you makes you stronger
  17. Hoc opus, hic labor est - Here is the work, it is a hard task
  18. Hoc praestamus feris quod colloquimur inter nos - In this we are superior to the beast, in that we talk to each other
  19. Hoc signo tuetur pius, hoc signo vincitur inimicus - With this sign thou shalt defend the pious, with this sign thou shalt defeat the enemy (Motto of Asturias)
  20. Hoc signum vere regum est - This is the true sign of the Kings (Motto of Lima, Peru - Lima was founded in the vicinity of the celebration of the Three Kings)
  21. Hoc tibi magno usui est - This is interesting to you
  22. Hoc uno praestamus vel maxime feris, quod colloquimur inter nos - Our only advantage over beasts is that we talk to one another (Cicero - De Oratore)
  23. Hoc volo, sic iubeo, sit pro ratione voluntas - I wish it, I command it. Let my will take the place of a reason (Juvenal - Satirae VI)
  24. Hoc voluerunt - They wanted this (Julius Caesar after Pompey's defeat in Munda in 45 AD)
  25. Hodie Christus natus est - Today Christ is born (Antiphon to the Magnificat sang during Christmas)

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