Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1409

  1. Fama semper vivat - May his fame last forever
  2. Fama Volat - Fame flies (Virgil, Aeneid, VII - Rumor has wings)
  3. Fames est optimus coquus - Hunger is the best coo
  4. Fas atque nefas - The right and the wrong
  5. Fata viam invenient - The Fates will find out a way (Virgil, Aeneid X,113)
  6. Fata volentem ducunt, nolentem trahunt - Destiny carries the willing man; and drags the unwilling (Seneca - Epistulae morales, XVIII)
  7. Fato Metelli Romae fiunt consules - It is fate (or 'sheer luck') that the Metelli become consuls at Rome (Cnaeus Naevius c. 270 BC 201 BC)
  8. Favor matrimonii - In favor of the validity of marriage (Legal term)
  9. Favor probatii - In favor of the validity of the prove (Legal Term)
  10. Favus distillans labia tus, mel et lac sub lingua tua - Your lips, my bride, drip honey; Honey and milk are under your tongue (Vulgate - Salomon 4,11)
  11. Fax mentis incedium gloriae - The passion of glory is the torch of the min
  12. Fecit - Done (Often abbreviated as fec.)
  13. Felices errore suo - Happy with their error
  14. Felix dies natalis - Happy birthday
  15. Felix dies Nativitatis - Merry Christmas
  16. Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas - Happy is the one who is able to know the causes of things (Virgil - Georgics II, 490)
  17. Felix sit annus novus - Happy new year
  18. Femina faeda livet si ornatur pulchra videtur - An ugly woman lives as if she was beautiful, if she equips herself
  19. Feminae saepius lineis amictibus velantur nudae brachia et lacertos - Women often are covered with linen sheets, wearing bare arms and shoulders (Tacitus)
  20. Feminas opacant homines. Mulier sententiosa in humanitas eminet - Women appease men. A sententious woman stands out in the humanity,
  21. Fenus pecuniae, funus animae - Love of money, Death of soul
  22. Ferae pericula quae vident fugiunt - The beasts flee the dangers they see (Seneca)
  23. Fere libenter homines, id quod volunt, credunt - People almost always willingly believe what you want (Julius Caesar - De Bello Gallico, III, 18)
  24. Ferendae sententiae - Sentence to be made (Ecclesiastical term)
  25. Ferre quam sortem patiunfur omnes nemo recusat - Nobody refuses to endure what everyone else bears

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