Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1384

  1. Fac totum - Do Everything (Servant)
  2. Fac ut ardeat cor meum - Make my heart burn (Love phrase)
  3. Fac ut gaudeam - Make my day
  4. Fac ut vivas - Get a life
  5. Facere de necessitate virtutem - Make virtue out of neccessity
  6. Facet, Solum Facet! - Do it, just do it! (Shia Labeouf - Thank you: Luxus)
  7. facilis descensus Averno - The descent to hell is easy (Virgil - Aeneid)
  8. Facilius est paupertatem laudare quam ferre - It is easier to praise poverty than to endure it (Philosophical term - Seneca)
  9. Facilius per partes in cognitionem totius adducimur - It is easier to understand parts, than to understand the whole (Seneca Epistulae Morales LXXXIX)
  10. Facio ut des - I give so you give (Legal Term - I expect something in return)
  11. Facio ut facias - I do for you, you do for me (Diplomatic term - You scratch my back, I will scratch yours)
  12. Facit experientia cautos - Experience makes us cautios
  13. Facito aliquid operis, ut te semper diabolus inveniat occupatum - Always do something, so the devil will find you busy (Philosophical term - Similar to "Idle hands are the devils playground")
  14. Facta, non verba - Facts, not words
  15. Facta quae debuit tentari - The facts that are alleged must be proven (Legal Term)
  16. Facta ut retro - Made as in the back (Same date as in the back of the book)
  17. Facta ut supra - Made as in the front (Same date as in the front of the book)
  18. Faeda in fuga - Ugly when fleeing
  19. Faex - Shit
  20. Fait accompli - Accomplished fact (Legal term - Irreversible)
  21. Fallaces sunt rerum species - The appearances of things are deceptive (Seneca, De Beneficiis IV, 34)
  22. Fallacia alia aliam trudit - One deception brings another (Terence)
  23. Fallacia non causae ut causae - Fallacy to accept something as fundamental when it is not (Legal and philosophical term)
  24. Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus - False in one thing, false in everything (Legal term)
  25. Fama crescit eundo - The rumor grows traveling

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