Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1284

  1. Et lassata viris, sed non satiata recessit - Ardent still, she retired, fatigued, but not satisfied (Juvenal, Satirae VI, 128)
  2. Et lux in tenebris Lucet - And the Light shines in darkness (Vulgate - John 1,5 Et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt)
  3. Et milia passuum tria ab eorum castris castra ponit - And set up camp three miles from them (Julius Caesar - Bello Gallico )
  4. Et monere et moneri proprium est verae amicitiae - It is a characteristic of true friendship to give advice and to receive it (Cicero - De amicitia)
  5. Et sequens - And following
  6. Et sic de caeteris - And so of the rest
  7. Et siluit terra in conspectu eius - And the earth was quiet before him (Vulgate - Book of Machabees 1,4 - in reference to Alexander the Great)
  8. Et super hanc petram aedificabo Ecclesiam meam - And upon this rock I will build My church - (Vulgate - Matthew 16, 18)
  9. Et Tamen Stellae - And however stars (Motto of the University of Playa Ancha, Chile)
  10. Et tu, Brute? - And you too Brutus? (Julius Caesar last words - also quoted as Tu quoque, fili mi! )
  11. Et verbum caro factum est et habitabit in nobis - And the word was made flesh (Vulgate - John 1,14)
  12. Et vice versa - And the other way around
  13. Et vitam impendere vero - To risk one's life for the truth (Juvenal Satirae IV)
  14. Etenim, iudices, cum omnibus virtutibus me adfectum esse cupio, tum nihil est quod malim quam me et esse gratum et videri. haec enim est una virtus non solum maxima sed etiam mater virtutum omnium reliquarum - In truth, O judges, while I wish to be adorned with every virtue, yet there is nothing which I can esteem more highly than being and appearing grateful. For this one virtue is not only the greatest, but is also the parent of all the other virtues (Cicero)
  15. Eternus vigilantia - Eternal vigilance (Guilds' responsible for standing watch. Motto of the Clarion & Tabard)
  16. Etiam capillus unos suam habet umbram - Even a single hair casts its shadow. (Syrus Metamorphoses II)
  17. Etiam et volo - And besides, I want
  18. Etiam si omnes, ego non - Although it is yes for all, it is no for me
  19. Etsi Deus non daretur - As if God did not exist (His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the Diplomatic Corps)
  20. Etsi homines falles deum tamen fallere non poteris - Although you can deceive men, you will not be able to deceive God (Augustine)
  21. Evangelium vitae - The Gospel of Life (Encyclical letter written by pope John Paul II)
  22. Ex abrupto - Abrutly
  23. Ex abundantia cordis os loquitur - For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. (Vulgate - Matthew 12, 34)
  24. Ex adverso - In front
  25. Ex aequo - The same (Equal, the same score in a competition)

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