Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1259

  1. Esse quam videri bonus malebat - He preferred to be good rather than to merely seem good (Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
  2. Est idoneum bello - It is suitable for war
  3. Est modus in rebus - There is a middle ground in things (Horace Satires)
  4. Est oppidum in Hispania quod Carthago Nova appellatur - There is a population in Spain is called New Carthage
  5. Est quaedam flere voluptas - There's a kind of pleasure in crying
  6. Est unusquisque faber ipsae suae fortunae - Each and every person is the maker of his own fortune
  7. Esto brevis et placebis - Be brief and you will be pleasant
  8. Esto Perpetua - Let it be perpetual (Motto of the State of Idaho - Appears on the back of the 2007 Idaho quarter - Thank you: Decio Frederico Viccino)
  9. Esto vir - Be a man
  10. Et alii - And others (Grammatical term - When there are more than one author, the name of the main author is mention followed by et alii - Sometimes it is written as: Et alia (if women authors), or Et allii abbreviated as et al.)
  11. Et alii, et alia - And other men and women (Grammatical term - refer to Et Alii)
  12. Et aliter - And otherwise
  13. Et campos ubi Troia fuit - And the fields where was Troy (Virgil - Aeneid III)
  14. Et cetera - And the Rest (Grammatical term - Sometimes spelled as Et Coetera or Et Cœtera abbreviated as etc.)
  15. Et cum spiritu tuo - And with your spirit (Ecclesiastical term - Thank you: Hans-Joachim Baumann )
  16. Et custodivit quasi pupillam oculi sui - And he kept it, as the apple of his eye (Love phrase - denoting the best care possible)
  17. Et dissipentur inimicie ejus, et fugiant a facie ejus - Disband its enemies and have them flee from his face (Motto of RCLAC - Light Armoured Cavalry Regiment Farnesio 12 )
  18. Et ego dico tibi quia tu es Petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversum eam - And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Vulgate - Matthew 16,18)
  19. Et ei qui vult tecum iudicio contendere et tunicam tuam tollere remitte ei et pallium - And whoever wants to sue you and take your shirt, also let him have your coat (Vulgate - Matthew 5,40 - Said by Jesus Christ)
  20. Et hoc expressius patet in stellis et orbibus qui semper illuminantur a sole - And this appears most clearly in the stars and the worlds that are always illuminated by the Sun. (Saint Thomas Aquinas De Eternitate Mundi)
  21. Et in Arcadia ego - And I in Arcadia (Appears in Renaissance paintings such as Nicolas Poussin's (1594–1665) "The Arcadian Shepherds")
  22. Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis - And peace to men of good will on earth (Vulgate, Luke 2, 14 - Used in Christmas cards)
  23. Et ita porro - And so on
  24. Et iterum dico vobis facilius est camelum per foramen acus transire quam divitem intrare in regnum caelorum - And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (Vulgate - Matthew 19,24 - Said by Jesus Christ)
  25. Et iudicem quis iudicavit? - And the judge, who will judge him? (Legal term - In an alleged miscarriage of justice)

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