Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 1204
- Ego sum lux mundi - I am the light of the world (Said by Jesus Christ - Vulgate - John 8,12)
- Ego sum Pastor bonus - I am the good shepherd (Ecclesiastical term)
- Ego sum qui sum - I am who I am (Vulgate - Exodus 3,14 - God explaining who He is to Moses)
- Ego sum rex Romanus et super grammaticam - I am the Roman king and am above the grammarians (Sigismund I)
- Ego sum via, veritas et vita - I am the way, the truth and Life (Vulgate - John 14,6 - Said by Jesus Christ)
- Ego te absolvo - I absolve (Ecclesiastical term)
- Ego tibi semper gratus ero - I will always be pleasant to you
- Egregie dicta circa eundem sensum tria - Three egregious said on the same subject (Cicero - De senectute)
- Eheu, fugaces labuntur anni, scienter debemus agere bene in oculis dei - Alas, the days are fleeting away, we must act well in the eye of God (The eternities are escaping. We must do good, the supreme good in the eyes of God - Thank you: Dr Globalist lawyer Riviere J. Goel - osiris )
- Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat - The burden of proof rests on who asserts, not on who denies (Legal term - Julius Paulus Digest 22,3,2)
- Eis qui sine peccato est vestrum primus in illam lapidem mittat - He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her (Vulgate - John 8, 7 - Said by Jesus Christ)
- Eius in obitu nostro prae muniamur - So His presence protect us at the time of death (Ecclesiastical term - Initials on the back of the Cross of San Benito Abad - Abbreviated as EIONPM)
- Eiusdem farinae - Of the same flour (Birds of a feather)
- Electa una via, non datur recursus ad aliam - Once you pick a way, it is not wise to go to another (Don't change horses in the middle of a race)
- Elementis regamus proelium - Let us rule the battle by means of the elements ( Thank you: James )
- Emeritus - By merit (Someone who has honorably served his/her time)
- Emitte lucem et veritatem - Emit light and truth (Motto of Kendall College in Evanston, IL)
- Emptio spei - Sale of hope
- Emptio venditio - Contract of sale (Legal term)
- Ense et aratro - With sword and plow. (Soldier and farmer)
- Ensis Laurentii - The Sword of Lawrence (Pope Gregory VIII (1187) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was a Cardinal of St Lawrence and his coat of arms had two swords)
- Eo ipso - By that fact itself (Philosophical term - By that fact alone)
- Epicuri de grege porcus - Pig of Epicurus's herd (Material pleasures)
- Episcopus in partibus - Bishop in part (Ecclesiastical term - Titular Bishop who does not have jurisdiction)
- Epistola excusatoria - A letter of excuse (Legal term)
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