Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 1179
- Ecce procul ternis Hecate variata figuris - Behold the three shapes of Hecate (Ovid - In Greek mythology, Hecate is represented as a triad, because they believed that she reigned over three domains: the earth, the sea and the sky)
- Ecce, quid iste tuus praeter nova carmina vates donat amatoris? Multa milia legis - Behold, is this your lover poet who gives nothing but new verses? You will need to read thousands more. (Ovid - "Amores")
- Ecce tibi qui rex populi romani es se concupiverit - Behold the one who pretended to be the ruler of the Roman people (Cicero)
- Ecce Venio - Here I come
- Ecclesia abhorret a sanguinem - The church abhors bloodshed (Said by the inquisitors as they burned their victims)
- Ecclesiae - By demand of the Church
- Eccum hac - Behold this
- Ede, bibe, lude, post mortem nulla voluptas - Eat, drink, play, there is no pleasure after death (Roman Epitaph)
- Ede faecam - Eat shit
- Edict - Edict (Legal Term - Formal Opinion delivered by an authority)
- Edite et bibite, post mortem nulla voluptas - Eat and drink, after death there is nothing to do
- Edite iam coctus - Eat, it is cooked (Saint Lawrence as he was being grilled)
- Editio princeps - First edition
- Educare et Ministrare - Educate and Serve (Motto of the Columbus University in Veracruz, Mexico)
- Ego amissus pugna sed autere bellum - I lost the battle but i won the war (Thank you: Greg Mamalis)
- Ego amo te - I love you
- Ego autem dico vobis: Diligite inimicos vestros - But I say to you, love your enemies (Vulgate - Matthew 5,44)
- Ego idem sum - I am the same man
- Ego illud adsentior Theophrasto - I agree on this with Theophrastus (Cicero - De Oratore III, p 184)
- Ego manent in te - I am permanently in you
- Ego non ullo uera timore tegam - I will not hide the truth, because of fear (Philosophical term - Catullus)
- Ego qui te diligam tamen hoc unum concedere non possum - Although I love you, I cannot convince you of it
- Ego quidem credo me debere Domino hoc obsequium latrandi contra philosophiam et suadendi ad Sacram Scriptura - I feel compelled to give the Lord this service barking against philosophy and exhorting to the study of Holy Scripture (Luther - says that the study of philosophy is not useful or necessary to study the Scripture)
- Ego reges eieci vos tyrannos introducitis - I have banished kings, you introduce tyrant
- Ego sum Alpha et Omega - I am alpha and omega (Said by Jesus Christ - Vulgate - John, Apocalypses 1,8 - I am the beginning and the end - Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, Omega is the last)
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