Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 1079
- Difficiles nugae - Difficult trifles (Work that has little return on investment)
- Digitus dei est hic - God's finger is in this
- Dignitatis humanae - Human dignity
- Dii lanatos pedes habent - The gods have feet of wool (Petronius, Satyricon 44 - The gods are slow to act)
- Diis aliter visum - The gods see it differently
- Diis manibus - Sacred to the Manes (It is a dedication whose initials abound in pagan graves - abbreviated as D.M.)
- Diis manibus Sacrum - Dedicated to the Names gods (It is a dedication whose initials abound in pagan graves - Abbreviated as D.M.S.)
- Dimidium animae meae - Half of my soul (Philosophical term)
- Dimidium facti qui coepit habet - Half is done when the beginning is done (Horace)
- Dira necessitas - Cruel necessity (Horace)
- Directe ni indirecte - Directly unless indirectly (One way or the other)
- Disce aut discede - Learn or leave (Motto of schools in medieval times)
- Disce quasi semper victorus, vive quasi cras moriturus - Learn as though you will live forever, Live as though you will die tomorrow
- Discite iustitiam, moniti, et non temnere divos - Having been warned, study justice and learn not to despise the gods (Virgil - Aeneid VI, 620)
- Disertissime Romuli nepotum - Most eloquent of the descendants of Romulus (Valerius Catullus, dedicated to Cicero)
- Dispositio a non domino - Disposition from the non-owner (Legal term - Disposition of property granted by a party who has no title)
- Dissertatio de Arte Combinatoria - Dissertation on the combinatorial art (Book by Gottfried Leibniz)
- Dissertatio de Casibus Perplexis - Dissertation on the perplexing cases (in law)
- Ditat Deus - God enriches (Motto of the State of Arizona)
- Dives in misericordia - On the Mercy of God (Encyclical letter written by Pope John Paul II)
- Dives toletana - Toledean Godess (Motto of Cathedral of Toledo, Spain)
- Divide et impera - Divide and Conquer (Julius Caesar)
- Divina natura dedit agros, ars humana aedificavit urbes - The divine nature produced the fields, human skill has built cities (Varro, De Re Rustica III, 1)
- Divitae bonum non sunt - Material wealth is not the one good (Seneca)
- Divortium aquarum - Separating of water (Water-parting)
Total: 4203