Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1054

  1. Diania turba - The troop of Diana (Ovid, Fasti)
  2. Dicebamus hesterna die - As we were saying yesterday (Fray Luis de Leon, Spanish Writer 1527-1591)
  3. Dicente Scriptura Sancta - As Holy Scripture says
  4. Dicit ei Iesus quia vidisti me credidisti beati qui non viderunt et crediderunt - Jesus saith to him: Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen and have believed (Vulgate - John 20, 24)
  5. Dicitur Ciceronem fuisse optimum oratorem - It is said that Cicero was the best orato
  6. Dico ego, tu dicis, sed denique dixit et ille - I say it, you say it, and finally he says it
  7. Dictator Perpetuus - Dictator for Life
  8. Dictum - It is said (Legal term - Document that explains a principle, proposition, or opinion)
  9. Dictum, factum - Said and done
  10. Dictum Meum Pactum - My word is my contract (Motto of the Mexican stock exchange - 1894)
  11. Dido sola stratis incubat - Dido, alone, lays in her bed (Virgil - Aeneid)
  12. Die dulci fruere - Have a sweet day
  13. Diem dicendo consumere - Consume the day talking (Tactic where a speaker takes the floor during the entire session to prevent a vote on a bill in the Roman Senate)
  14. Dies a quo, dies ad quem - Initial day, final day (Legal term - In reference to to deadlines)
  15. Dies ad quem - Last day (Legal Term - Day on which the period expires)
  16. Dies aliter visum - The gods see it differently
  17. Dies diem docet - Day teaches day (The education of a person is never complete)
  18. Dies dominicus - The day of the Lord (Sunday, when we are supposed to go to church)
  19. Dies illa, dies irae - (Terrible) that day, day of wrath (Requiem mass for the dead)
  20. Dies irae - Day of Wrath (Ecclesiastical term - Words beginning, and name a sequence that reads the requiems)
  21. Dies natali cristis - Day of Christ's birth
  22. Dies natali solis invicti - Day of birth of the unconquered god
  23. Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem - It is difficult suddenly to put aside a long-standing love (C. Valerius Catullus)
  24. Difficile est satiram non scribere - It is difficult not to write satire (Juevenal)
  25. Difficile est tenere quae acceperis nisi exerceas - It is difficult to retain what you may have learned unless you should practice it (Pliny the Elder)

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