Philosophical Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 76

  1. Latrant et scitis estatint praetesquitantes estis - They bark, so you know that you are in front of them (Philosophical term - A successful person does not look back, and only seeks his goal. However, enemies will follow him and say bad things, acting like barking dogs)
  2. Lenticulae similis est, agat aut desistat - It's like lentils, take it or leave it (Philosophical Term)
  3. Magister dixit - The teacher said it (Philosophical term - Fallacy that considers something is true, just because the teacher said it. It is another form of Argumentum ad verecundiam )
  4. Maior sum quam qui mancipium sim corporis mei - I'm too big to be a slave of my body (Philosophical term put forward as the antithesis of the old Socratic thesis that said: The body is the prison of the soul.) )
  5. Malum sed mulliere, sed necessarium malum - Women are evil, a necessary evil (Philosophical Term)
  6. Memento vivere - Remember that you are alive (Philosophical term)
  7. Modus ponendo ponens / Modus ponens - Mode that affirms by affirming (Philosophical term - Way of logical deduction: the union of two premises such as "If it rains, we will go to the beach" and "It rains". By combining these two by Modus Ponens, it can be concluded that: "We will go to the beach")
  8. Modus ponendo tollens - Mode which affirms by denying (Philosophical term)
  9. Modus tollendo ponens - Mode which denies by affirming (Philosophical term)
  10. Modus tollendo tollens - Mode which denies by denying (Philosophical term)
  11. Munus palpandus oios videndus - Touching with hands and seeing with eyes (Philosophical term - Expression of St. Thomas - when Christ was resurrected he was not present. When Jesus later appeared, St. Thomas said he did not believe he resurrected unless he puts his fingers in Jesus' wound)
  12. Namque pauci libertatem, pars magna iustos dominos volunt - Few men desire freedom, the greater part desire just masters (Philosophical term - Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
  13. Natura duce, errare nullo pacto potest - When nature guides us, there is no way to make a mistake (Philosophical term - The goodness of nature)
  14. Navita de ventis, de tauris narrat arator, enumerat miles vulnera, pastor ovis - The sailor speaks of winds, the plowman of bulls, the soldier counts his wounds, the shepherd his sheep. (Philosophical Term - Propertius, 2.1.43-44)
  15. Nequaquam vacui - No way, emptiness (Philosophical term -. Similar to "Horror vacui", horror of emptiness, this reference is mainly used in architecture, although some argue that it is a Masonic or Rosicrucian principle, where nature tends to fill empty spaces)
  16. Nihil est in intellectu quod prius non fuerit in sensu - There is nothing in the intellect without first passing through the senses (Philosophical term - you cannot grasp a concept without the assistance of the experience)
  17. Nihil est sine ratione - Nothing without reason (Philosophical term - Leibniz - There is a reason for everything, all can be explained)
  18. Nihil tam absurdum, quod non dictum sit ab aliquo philosophorum (There is nothing so absurd as not to have been said by some philosopher (Philosophical term - Cícero)
  19. Non sequitur - Not following (Philosophical term used in logic - Arguments do not lead to the conclusion)
  20. Non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate - We must not multiply things without a need (Philosophical term - William of Ockham, 1280-1349 - The simplest solution is probably the correct one - One of the principles in Ockham's Razor)
  21. Nunquam est fidelis cum potente societas - It is never reliable to allay with a powerful person (Philosophical Term - Phaedrus - The powerful person will abuse you if he can)
  22. O mihi praeteritos referat si Iuppiter annos - If only Jupiter could restore those lost years (Philosophical term - Virgil, poet)
  23. O miserum te si intelligis, miserum si no intelligis! - ¡Oh miserable you, if you understand and also if you don't understand! (Philosophical term - Paradoxical proverb commonly expressed by the metaphysical thinkers of Rome, which spent much on trying to resolve problems and also to explain them, once they understood them)
  24. Omne quod movetur ab alio movetur - Everything that moves is moved by something else (Philosophical term - Principle of the theory of motion and causation, of St. Thomas Aquinas)
  25. Omnes volumus plus. Et plus, et plus et plurimus - We all want more. And more, and more and much more (Philosophical term - Human insatiability: "The more you have, the more you want”)

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