Latin Mottos Starting with phrase number 246
- Naturam Subiecit Aliis - Nature subjugated to our allies (or subjugate the forces of nature for the benefit of the humanity - Motto of the School of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH) in Mexico)
- Natus Vincere - Born to win (Motto used by the Roman army)
- Nauta de Ponte Nigro (Sailor From the Black Bridge (Pope Gregory XII (1406 - 1415) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Commendatarius of the Church of Nigripontis, Black Bridge)
- Ne tentes, aut perfice - Do not attempt, but succeed (Motto on a coat of arms)
- Nec soli impar - Like the sun (Motto of Felipe II)
- Nemo me impune lacessit - No one hurts me without impunity (Motto of Scotland)
- Nihil libertatis maius - Nothing bigger than liberty (Motto Freedom Foundation of Paraguay - Inspired by the phrase Nihil Roma Maius, nothing bigger than Rome)
- Nihil prius fide - Nothing in front of the faith (Motto of notaries)
- Nihil sine Deo - Nothing without God! (Motto of the coat of arms of the German Hohenzollern dynasty, which ruled Germany until 1918, the year of the end of World War I. )
- Nihil sine Episcopo - Nothing without the bishop (Motto taught to future priests in seminaries )
- Nihil veritas est - Nothing is true (Motto of Cordoba in Spain)
- Nil Lyncea Latebit - The lynx never sleeps (Royal Air Force motto)
- Nil nisi optimum - Nothing but the best (A well used school motto which encourages us to aim for better things - Thank you: James)
- Nobiscum Deus - God with us (Battlecry of the Roman and Byzantine Empire - In its Germanized form "Gott mit us" was the theme of battle royal house of Prussia and the German Army motto in World War II)
- Non Ducor, Duco - I am not led, I lead (Motto of the coat of arms of São Paulo City, Brasil - Thank you: Decio Frederico Viccino )
- Non impedimenti ratione cogitationis - Without the impediment of rational thought (Motto of the radio show "Car Talk" - Conloquium Currus )
- Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam - Nothing for us, Lord, nothing for us but for the glory of thy name (Motto and fundamental principle of the Order of the Knights Templars, founded by St. Bernardus Clairval in 1118, similar to the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher. The order began with nine knights and advocated Christian humility. This order became so rich, powerful and influential that King Philip the Fair (French) removed them, with the blessing of the Pope, and seized their wealth. This motto denotes submission and total surrender to God - Taken from the Vulgate - Psalm 113.9)
- Non sibi sed omnibus - Not for myself, but for all (Motto of the Venezuelan Medical Federation.)
- Non sibi sed patriae! - For no one, if not for the homeland (Motto of the U.S. Navy)
- Non sufficit orbis - The world is not enough (Motto of Philip II)
- Nosce te ipsum et nosces universum et deos - Know thyself and you will know the universe and the gods (Motto of Socrates which he took from the walls of the Oracle of Delphi)
- Novus de Virgine Forti - New From the Virgin Fort (Pope Gregory XI (1370-1378) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Cardinal of Santa Maria Nuova, New St. Mary)
- Nulli expugnabilis hosti - Conquered by no enemy (Motto of Gibraltar)
- Nulli secundus - Second to none (Motto of the Second Squadron of Air Support in the Spanish Air Force)
- Numen lumen - God is light (Motto of the university of Wisconsin - Thank you: Agnes Wisley)
Total: 424