Latin Mottos
Starting with phrase number 221

  1. Lusitania tessera omni armatura fortior - Lusitania with his banner can do more than all the armors (Motto of RCLAC (Cavalry Regiment of Light Cuirers) Lusitania 8)
  2. Lux et Veritas - Light and Truth (Motto of the University of Yale)
  3. Lux in Ostio - A Light in the Entrance (Pope Lucius III (1181-1185) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His name was Lucius and he was born in Lucca (both names derive from lux, light) and was bishop of Ostia (gate))
  4. Lux Mundi - World light (Motto and the name of "Lux Mundi College" located in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
  5. Lux, Pax, Vis - Light, Peace, Force (Motto of the Normal School "Miguel F. Martinez" Centenaria and Benemerita")
  6. Lux unitas clarior - Light becomes brighter when focused (Motto of the first Venezuelan Republic, 1811-1812)
  7. Lux, Veritas et Virtus - Light, Truth and virtue (Northeastern University Motto in Boston, Massachusetts)
  8. Magna est veritas et praevalet - The truth is great and it prevails (Motto of Horace Mann School in Bronx, NY)
  9. Magna Hispalense - The great Hispalis (Motto of the Cathedral of Seville, Spain)
  10. Malo mori quam foedari - I'd rather die than get dirty (be disgraced) (Motto of the Vega family)
  11. Medium Corpus Pilarum - Half Body of the Pills (Pope Gregory XIII (1572-1585) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was cardinal by Pius V who was a medic, the ones who give out medicine balls, or pills. His coat of arms had a half dragon )
  12. Memento audere semper - Remember to always dare (Motto created by the Italian poet Gabriele D'Annunzio)
  13. Mente et malleo - With mind and hammer (Motto of Geolagical Society)
  14. Menti da lucem manibus artem - Light in the mind, art in the hands (Motto of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico)
  15. Miles in Bello - Soldier in War (Benedict XIII (1724–1730) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place)
  16. Militiae domus, inclyta fonsque sofiae - House of the militia and invincible source of wisdom (Motto of the city of Cordoba)
  17. Mille ambulat oculis - Come with a thousand eyes (Motto of squadron 123 of recognition of the Spanish Air Force. Phrase with double meaning, taking into account the work of recognition. On one hand it means to observe everything, and another walk with care)
  18. Mobilis in mobile - Moving in the moving environment (Motto of Nautilus, Captain Nemo's ship)
  19. Modos et cunctarum rerum mensuras audebo - I dare to give the methods and measures of all things (Academic term - Motto of the Engineering school fo the San Luis Potosi University in Mexico)
  20. Montani Semper Liber - Mountain always free (Motto Bucaramanga, Colombia)
  21. Montium Custos - Guardian of the Hills (Pope Alexander VII (1655-1667) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His family coat of arm featured six hills and a star above them)
  22. Mors Abalto - Death from above (WW II bomber squadron motto - Thank you: J.T.)
  23. Mortui viventes docent - The dead teach the living (Motto written on the front door of the autopsy room)
  24. Multis e gentibus vires - From many people, strength (Motto of Saskatchewan, Canada)
  25. Natura ingenium disecta cadavera pandit; plus quan vitae more taciturna docet - The cadaver dissection demonstrates the wisdom of nature; more talkative than life, teaches us the taciturn death (Motto of Pedro Virgili, first director of the Military Medical College in Cadiz, Spain)

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