Latin phrases about love Starting with phrase number 46
- Ego autem dico vobis: Diligite inimicos vestros - But I say to you, love your enemies (Vulgate - Matthew 5,44)
- Ego qui te diligam tamen hoc unum concedere non possum - Although I love you, I cannot convince you of it
- Epistula non erubescit - A letter does not blush (Cicero - Love letter or letter of apology)
- Ergo breue praeceptum tibi praecipitur, dilige, et quod uis fac: siue taceas, dilectione taceas; siue clames, dilectione clames; siue emendes, dilectione emendes; siue parcas, dilectione parcas: radix sit intus dilectionis, non potest de ista radice nisi bonum existere - Therefore, a short precept: Love and do what you want; if you shut up, do it for love; if you scream, also do it for love; if you correct, also for love; If you abstain, do it for love. Let the root of love be within you and let nothing can come out unless it is good (St. Augustine - Love and do what you want - Homily VII, paragraph 8)
- Et custodivit quasi pupillam oculi sui - And he kept it, as the apple of his eye (Love phrase - denoting the best care possible)
- Fac ut ardeat cor meum - Make my heart burn (Love phrase)
- Fenus pecuniae, funus animae - Love of money, Death of soul
- Fide et Amore - Fidelity and Love (Motto of the city of Osorno, Chile)
- Fortis est ut mors dilectio - Love is as strong as death
- Fraterna caritas est dulcis - Brotherly love is sweet
- Gratis et Amore - Free (of charge) and love
- Hic est filius meus dilectus - This is My beloved Son (Vulgate - Matthew 3,1)
- Hoc est praeceptum meum ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos - This is my commandment to you, to love one another as I have loved you (Said by Jesus Christ - Vulgate - John 15, 12)
- Homo sine amore vivere nequit - A man without love cannot live
- Ille me amplexus atque osculans flere prohibebat - Hugging me and kissing me, he prevented me from crying (Love phrase - Cicero)
- In at flamma cardia - In the fire of my heart (Love phrase)
- In eo quod amatur, aut non laboratur, aut et labor amatur - There is no fatigue when is something you love, or you love that fatigue
- In veritatis lumine ad amoris vitam - In the light of truth for life in love (Motto Sacred Heart University in Lima-Peru)
- Inflamma cor nostrum amore tui - Inflates our heart with your love (This phrase appears in a church next to the image of Jesus)
- Intellectum valde ama - Strongly love intelligence (St. Augustine - Epist of Hippo in 120, 3.13: PL 33.459)
- Laudatores temporis acti - A lover of the past (which is constantly denigrating the present and idealizing the past)
- Lenire desiderium crebius epistolis - Make absence more bearable with frequent letters (Love phrase - Cicero - De senectute)
- Locus eremus - Solitary place (Love phrase - Refers to sensations and feelings of anxiety, fear, uncertainty, unhappiness and loneliness)
- Magnopere patrem diligebat quamquam eum numquam viderat - He loved his father, although he had never seen him
- Mater saeva Cupidinum - The savage mother of Cupid (Horace - Carmina I, 19, 1 - refers to Venus, the goddess of love)
Total: 124