Latin phrases about love Starting with phrase number 21
- Amor omnibus idem - Love is the same for all (Vergilius)
- Amor patriae in radice charitates fundatur - Love for the fatherland is founded in the root of charity (Bartholomew of Lucca, 1227–1327, medieval Italian historian)
- Amor platonicus - Platonic love (Related to the Greek philosopher Plato - Purely spiritual, not carnal)
- Amor Scientia Que Inserviant Cordi - Love and Science to serve the Heart (Motto of National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez in Mexico City)
- Amor tussique non celatur - Love and cough can not be concealed
- Amore dultis exitus – Love darkens success
- Amorea mortuus sum - I am dead for love
- Amoris irae amoris integratio sunt - The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love (Terence)
- Amoris vulnus idem sanat qui facit - The wound of love, is healed by the same who makes it (Syrus)
- Animula vagula blandula Hospes comesque corporis, Quae nunc abibis in loca Pallidula, rigida, nudula, Nec, ut soles, dabis iocos - Little soul, soft, wandering guest and friend of the body, you'll go now pale, hard, bare spots and you will not play, as you usually did (Philosophical Term - these words were spoken by the emperor Hadrian Augustus, expresses the dualism body and soul, at the approach of death, longing for love games)
- Ante omnia, fratres carissimi, diligatur deus, deinde et proximus, quia ista sunt praecepta principaliter nobis data — Before all else, dearest brothers, let God be loved, and then your neighbor, because these are the chief commandments which have been given to us (Saint Agustine - Rule used by his followers)
- Argue sapientem et diliget te - Reprove a wise man, and he will love thee (Vulgate - Proverbs 9, 8)
- Ars Amandi / Ars amatoria - The Art of Love (Book by Ovid)
- Ars gratia artis - Art for the love of art (Motto of the movie studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) written under the lion)
- Balnea, vina, Venus corrumpunt corpora nostra, sed vitam faciunt, balnea, vina, Venus - Baths, wine and love corrupt our bodies, but they give us life, baths, wine and love (Graffiti in Pompey).
- Caecus amor prolis - The love for children is blind
- Caritate Patriae - Love for country (Cicero)
- Crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pecunia crescit - The love of money grows, as the money itself grows (Juvenal)
- Cui amat periculum in illo peribit - Whoever loves danger will perish by it. (Vulgate - Ecclesiasticus or Sirach III)
- Cum forma dilapsus amor - Love dissipates with beauty
- Da mi basia mille, deinde centum, dein mille altera, dein secunda centum - Give me a thousand kisses, then another hundred, then another thousand, then a hundred more (Catullus - Love phrase - Kisses for catullus)
- Deus caritas est - God is love (First encyclical letter written by Pope Benedict XVI)
- Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem - It is difficult suddenly to put aside a long-standing love (C. Valerius Catullus)
- Ecce, quid iste tuus praeter nova carmina vates donat amatoris? Multa milia legis - Behold, is this your lover poet who gives nothing but new verses? You will need to read thousands more. (Ovid - "Amores")
- Ego amo te - I love you
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