Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 421

  1. Longa manu - With short hand (Legal term - With warrant - Ownership by contract - Compare with longa manu)
  2. Lucrum cessans - Profit ceased (Legal term - Llost of the opportunity to make a profit)
  3. Maior singulis, universis minor - Greater than One, Less than All (Legal term - Aristotle’s phrase that refers to the person who is the ruler )
  4. Maiores aliud ius gentium, aliud ius civile esse voluerunt - The elders wanted one thing to be right of nations, the other thing to be the civil law (Legal term)
  5. Mala praxis - Malpractice (Legal term - when a professional makes an error. For example: take a surgeon on trial for mala praxis)
  6. Mancipatio - Formal legal act (Legal term - referring to particular things that can emancipate (mancipi) There are those also unable emancipate (nec mancipi) )
  7. Manumissio - Emancipation (Legal term - In Rome, act provision under which the slave is free and citizen)
  8. Marito non licet nocere propriam uxorem - The husband does not have the right to harm his own wife (Legal term)
  9. Maxima est capitis deminutio, cum aliquis simul et civitatem et libertatem amittit - The maximum decrease in rights occurs when a person loses freedom and citizenship (Legal term in ancient Rome)
  10. Me lumen; vos umbra regit - Light is my guide, the shadow is yours (Legal term - Refers to the intentionality of certain facts, knowing good is light and dark is evil)
  11. Me, me adsum qui feci - I, I was the one who did it (Legal term - confession)
  12. Mens legis - Will of the legislature (Legal term)
  13. Mens Rea - Guilty mind (Legal term which is used in common law, it comes from the Latin phrase, "actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea", which means "the act will not make a person guilty, unless the mind is also guilty ".)
  14. Minari mortem alicui - Threatening death to someone - (Legal term)
  15. Minima est capitis deminutio, cum et civitas et libertas retinetur, sed status hominis commutatur - The reduction of rights is minimal when freedom and citizenship is maintained while changing the legal status of the person (Legal term in ancient Rome)
  16. Minor sive media est capitis deminutio, cum civitas amittitur,libertas retinetur - A decrease in rights is when a person loses citizenship without loosing freedom (Legal term in ancient Rome)
  17. Modus faciendi - The manner of doing (Legal term)
  18. Modus operandi - Mode of operation (Legal term - Referring the manner a criminal commits a crime - Abbreviated as MO)
  19. Modus vivendi - Way of life (Legal term - Especially criminals)
  20. Mora creditoris - Noncompliance attributable to the creditor (Legal term)
  21. More maiorum - According to the custom of the ancestors (Legal term)
  22. Mores maiorum consuetudo - The custom of the ancestors (Legal term about the source of formal Roman law)
  23. Mores sunt tacitus consensus populi longa consuetudine inveteratus - The customs are tacit agreements made by the consensus of the people over a long interval - (Legal term Domitius Ulpianus)
  24. Mortis Causa - Cause of the Death (Legal term)
  25. Mos maiorum ut lex valet - The customs of the ancestors have the force of law (Legal term)

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