Legal Latin Phrases Starting with phrase number 396
- Legis Actio Per Manus Iniectionem - Legal action by the laying on of a hand (Legal term - Action focused on the person, not his property )
- Legis Actio Per Pignores Capionem - (Legal action by seizing property)
- Legis Actio Per Sacramentum - Legal action by Sacrament (Legal action - Executive process)
- Legitimatio ad causam - Legitimacy by cause (Legal term – A link must exist between the owner of the action and who exercises it)
- Lex Aquilia - Aquilian Law (Legal term - Roman law proposed by Galius Aquilius - It is a plebiscite that imposes compensation when someone causes damage to property)
- Lex artis - Art Law (Legal term which refers to knowledge of the profession is exercised)
- Lex domicilii - Home Law (Legal term)
- Lex dubia, Lex nulla - Doubtful law, Null law(Legal term)
- Lex duodecim tabularum - Act of the twelve tables (Legal term - code which was enacted as a result of the quarrels between patricians and plebeians)
- Lex fori - Law Forum (Legal term)
- Lex iniusta non est lex - An unjust law is not law (Legal term)
- Lex iulia de repetundis - Anti-Corruption Act (Legal term)
- Lex loci celebrationis - Law of the venue where the act was celebrated (Legal term - Defers the authority to the local rules where the act, such as marriage, was performed )
- Lex loci contractus - The law of the place of the contract (Legal term - Defers the authority to the local rules where the contract was signed)
- Lex loci delicti commissi - The law of the place where the damage occurred (Legal term - the punishment should be according to the law of the land)
- Lex loci executionis - The law of the place where the obligation is executed (Legal term)
- Lex loci rei sitae - The law of the place where the assets are located (Legal term)
- Lex non scripta - Unwritten law (Legal term - Common law, which everyone knows, but it is not written)
- Lex posterior derogat priori - Later law repeals (cancels) the previous (legal term)
- Lex posterior generalis non derogat priori speciali - Later general legislation does not overrule earlier special legislation (Legal term)
- Lex Scripta, Lex Tradita - The law is written, the law is given (Legal term)
- Libertas est potestas faciendi id quod iure liceo - Freedom is the power to do what the law allows (Legal term)
- Litis contestatio - Demand answered (Legal term )
- Litis denuntiatio - Demand Served (Legal term )
- Locus regit actum - The venue, the act governing (Legal term)
Total: 648