Legal Latin Phrases Starting with phrase number 265
- Fraus legi - Violatio of a statute (Legal term)
- Fraus omnia corrumpit - Fraud corrupts all (Legal Term - discovery of fraud invalidates all aspects of a judicial decision)
- Fruti - - The fruits (Legal term - hence the word "usufruct" use of fruits)
- Fumus boni iuris - Appears good in the eye of the law (Legal term - there is something that allows one to perceive that the demand is valid)
- Functus officio - Having performed his office (Legal Term - Indicates that the person no longer has the power he/she once had when in office)
- Fundamentum iustitiae, primum est ne cui noceatur - The first foundation of justice is not to harm others (Legal term - Cicero - De Officiis I, 10, 31)
- Genus nunquam perit - The genre does not die (Legal term - contract in genere instead of in specie)
- Gerere pro patrono - Manage on behalf of the master (Legal Term - The right of a slave to represent the master in legal matters)
- Gratis data - Given for free (Legal term)
- Habeas Corpus ad subjiciendum - You should have the body for submitting (Legal term - The right of the prisoner to go to court)
- Habeas Data - You should have the data (Legal term - Laws related to privacy and security of data)
- Habere facias possessionem - That you cause to have possession (Legal term - Action taken to have possession of a property)
- Honeste vivere, alterum non laedere cuique suum tribuere - To live honestly, to harm no other, to render to each his own (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Justinian, Institutes 1.1)
- Humanius credere filium ditius vixise - It is most human to think that the son will survive (Legal term - In an accident where both son and father die, it is presumed that the father died first - Javolenus - Digest 34,5,9,22)
- Id certum est quod certum reddi potest - That is certain that can be made certain (Legal term)
- Id quod plerumque accidit - Things that occur frequently (Legal term - Legal Status of assumptions)
- Id quod semper aequum ac bonum est, ius dicitur - That what is always fair and good, it's called justice (Legal term)
- Idem Corpus - Identity of the body (Legal term - Identity of the lost item, the same object)
- Idoneus homo - A proper man (Legal term)
- Ignorantia facti, non iuris excusatur - Ignorance excuses, that is ignorance of fact but not of law (Legal term)
- Ignorantia legis nocet - Being ignorant of law harms (Legal term - Not knowing the law does not prevent punishment, if the law is broken)
- Ignorantia legis nocet - Ignorance of the law is harmful (Legal term - Ignorance of the law is no protection for punishment)
- Ignoratio Elenchi - Avoiding the question (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy that consists in changing the subject, arguing a different point, than the one in question)
- Illa autem sapientia rerum est divinarum et humanarum scientia in qua continetur deorum et hominum communitas et societas inter ipsos - The wisdom (jurisprudence) is the knowledge of divine and human matters, this knowledge contains the community of gods and men and the association between them (Legal Term - Cicero - de Officiis 1,4,3,153)
- Imperium proconsulare maius et infinitum - Empire Preconsul Major and infinite (A legal description of Caesar August's perpetual powers given by the Senate)
Total: 648