Legal Latin Phrases Starting with phrase number 240
- Ex textamento - By virtue of the testament (Legal term)
- Ex turpi causa non oritur actio - Action does not arise from a illicit cause (Legal term - One cannot sue for damages if these damages occurred from an illegal activity)
- Exceptio doli - Exception for fraud (Legal term - The exceptio doli has its origin in a procedural defense work introduced by the magistrates in Rome at the time of the republic. States that the defendant could validly oppose the claim of the plaintiff, citing the use of fraud on the part of the latter)
- Exceptio firmat regulam in casibus non exceptis - The exception affirms the rule in cases not excepted (Legal term)
- Exceptio non adimpleti contractus - The defense of non-performance of the contract (Legal term)
- Exceptio probat regulam de rebus non exceptis - The exception proves the rule in cases not excepted (Legal term)
- Exceptio rei iudicatae - Defense of the thing judged (Legal term)
- Exceptio veritatis - Defence of truthfulness (Legal term)
- Exceptis excipiendis - With the necessary exceptions (Legal term)
- Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta - An excuse not asked for is an obvious accusation (Legal term)
- Experto credite - Believe the expert (Legal term - Person called to testify as an expert in a subject)
- Expresis verbis - In express terms (Legal term)
- Extra commercium - Out of commerce (Legal term)
- Extra petitum - Outside what was asked (Legal term)
- Facio ut des - I give so you give (Legal Term - I expect something in return)
- Facta quae debuit tentari - The facts that are alleged must be proven (Legal Term)
- Fait accompli - Accomplished fact (Legal term - Irreversible)
- Fallacia non causae ut causae - Fallacy to accept something as fundamental when it is not (Legal and philosophical term)
- Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus - False in one thing, false in everything (Legal term)
- Favor matrimonii - In favor of the validity of marriage (Legal term)
- Favor probatii - In favor of the validity of the prove (Legal Term)
- Fetus sequitur ventrem - The child follows the mother (Legal term - whoever owns the mother, owns the slave - Whoever owns the cow owns the calf - If the mother is free, so is the child)
- Fiat iustitia, pereat mundus - Let there be justice, though the world perishes (Legal term)
- Fiat iustitia, ruat caelum - Let there be justice, though the sky falls (Legal term)
- Ficta confessio - Fictitious confession (Legal term - If the defendant does not go to refute the charges against him, that confession is admissible)
Total: 648