Legal Latin Phrases Starting with phrase number 246
- Exceptio rei iudicatae - Defense of the thing judged (Legal term)
- Exceptio veritatis - Defence of truthfulness (Legal term)
- Exceptis excipiendis - With the necessary exceptions (Legal term)
- Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta - An excuse not asked for is an obvious accusation (Legal term)
- Experto credite - Believe the expert (Legal term - Person called to testify as an expert in a subject)
- Expresis verbis - In express terms (Legal term)
- Extra commercium - Out of commerce (Legal term)
- Extra petitum - Outside what was asked (Legal term)
- Facio ut des - I give so you give (Legal Term - I expect something in return)
- Facta quae debuit tentari - The facts that are alleged must be proven (Legal Term)
- Fait accompli - Accomplished fact (Legal term - Irreversible)
- Fallacia non causae ut causae - Fallacy to accept something as fundamental when it is not (Legal and philosophical term)
- Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus - False in one thing, false in everything (Legal term)
- Favor matrimonii - In favor of the validity of marriage (Legal term)
- Favor probatii - In favor of the validity of the prove (Legal Term)
- Fetus sequitur ventrem - The child follows the mother (Legal term - whoever owns the mother, owns the slave - Whoever owns the cow owns the calf - If the mother is free, so is the child)
- Fiat iustitia, pereat mundus - Let there be justice, though the world perishes (Legal term)
- Fiat iustitia, ruat caelum - Let there be justice, though the sky falls (Legal term)
- Ficta confessio - Fictitious confession (Legal term - If the defendant does not go to refute the charges against him, that confession is admissible)
- Fraus legi - Violatio of a statute (Legal term)
- Fraus omnia corrumpit - Fraud corrupts all (Legal Term - discovery of fraud invalidates all aspects of a judicial decision)
- Fruti - - The fruits (Legal term - hence the word "usufruct" use of fruits)
- Fumus boni iuris - Appears good in the eye of the law (Legal term - there is something that allows one to perceive that the demand is valid)
- Functus officio - Having performed his office (Legal Term - Indicates that the person no longer has the power he/she once had when in office)
- Fundamentum iustitiae, primum est ne cui noceatur - The first foundation of justice is not to harm others (Legal term - Cicero - De Officiis I, 10, 31)
Total: 648