Legal Latin Phrases Starting with phrase number 221
- Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat - The burden of proof rests on who asserts, not on who denies (Legal term - Julius Paulus Digest 22,3,2)
- Emptio venditio - Contract of sale (Legal term)
- Epistola excusatoria - A letter of excuse (Legal term)
- Erga omnes - In front of all (Legal term)
- Error communis facit ius - The law creates a common mistake. (Legal term)
- Error in iudicando - Judicial Error (Legal term)
- Error in procedendo - Error in the proceedings (Legal term)
- Et iudicem quis iudicavit? - And the judge, who will judge him? (Legal term - In an alleged miscarriage of justice)
- Ex aequo et bono - Just and good (Legal term)
- Ex aquo - With equal merit (Legal term)
- Ex dono - Out of donation (Legal term)
- Ex facto oritur ius - The law arises from the fact (Legal term)
- Ex gratia - As a favor (Legal term)
- Ex lege - Out of law (Legal term - by operation of law - Thank you: Litsoane Michael )
- Ex libris - From the book (Legal term - Inscription that indicates the owner)
- Ex More - According to custom (Legal term)
- Ex nom scripto ius venit, quod usus comprobabit. Nam diuturni mores consensu utentium comprobabit, legum imitantur - Unwritten law is the one that validated by use. Because the customs of long duration, that are sanctioned by consensus of those who used them, are similar to the law (Legal term - Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus - Instituta 9,2,3)
- Ex post facto - After the fact (Legal term - Indicates what the accused did to hide the crime)
- Ex Professo - By declaration (Legal term - Expressly)
- Ex textamento - By virtue of the testament (Legal term)
- Ex turpi causa non oritur actio - Action does not arise from a illicit cause (Legal term - One cannot sue for damages if these damages occurred from an illegal activity)
- Exceptio doli - Exception for fraud (Legal term - The exceptio doli has its origin in a procedural defense work introduced by the magistrates in Rome at the time of the republic. States that the defendant could validly oppose the claim of the plaintiff, citing the use of fraud on the part of the latter)
- Exceptio firmat regulam in casibus non exceptis - The exception affirms the rule in cases not excepted (Legal term)
- Exceptio non adimpleti contractus - The defense of non-performance of the contract (Legal term)
- Exceptio probat regulam de rebus non exceptis - The exception proves the rule in cases not excepted (Legal term)
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