Legal Latin Phrases Starting with phrase number 140
- Commodum ex iniuria sua nemo habere debet - Nobody should benefit from his own wrongdoing. (Legal term - Thank you: E. Taylor)
- Condicio existens ad initium negotii retrohabetur - The existence of the condition goes back at the beginning of the business transaction (Legal term)
- Condicio iuris - Legal condition (Legal term - A requirement imposed by law for the validity of a transaction)
- Condicio optime - Optimum condition (Legal term)
- Condicio sine qua non - Condition without which it could not be (Legal and Philosophical term)
- Condiciones, quae contra bonos mores inserentur, remittendae sunt - Conditions that added against good morals release should be treated as not written (Legal term)
- Condominium - Common domain (Legal term - belongs to all parties)
- Confessio alterius alii non praeiudicat - The confession of one does prejudice the other (Legal Term )
- Confessus pro iudicato est, qui quodammodo sua sententia damnatur - The one who confesses during trial condems himself, and in a way dictates his sentence (Legal term - Julius Paulus Digest 42,1,50,1)
- Confessus pro iudicato habetur - The confessed is held as judged (Legal term - Ulpianus - Digest 42,1,56)
- Confiteri quis in iudicio non tantum sua voce, sed et litteris et quacumque modum potest - Anyone can confess in court not only verbally, but in writing or otherwise. (Legal term de Julius Paulus Sentenciae Vª,3)
- Consensus facit legem - Consensus makes the law (Legal term)
- Consul suffectus - Appointed Consul (Legal term)
- Contra factum non valet argumentum - There is no valid argument against a fact (Legal term)
- Contra legem - Against the law (Legal term)
- Contra naturam - Against nature (Legal and philosophical term)
- Contra proferentem - Against the one that makes the offer (Legal term)
- Contra scriptum testimonium - Against written testimony (Legal term)
- Contractus - Contract (Legal term)
- Contractus est pacto duorum pluriunve in idem plactium consensus - Contract is the bilateral agreement that is accepted by both parties (Legal term)
- Contractus lex - Law of the contract (Legal term)
- Corpus delicti - Body of crime (Legal term - Evidence)
- Corpus Iuris Civilis - Body of Civil Law (Legal term)
- Credere quod non videmus, propter testimonium dicentis - To believe on what you do not see, based on the testimony of who says it (Legal term - public faith)
- Creditor est - The creditor is (Legal term)
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