Legal Latin Phrases Starting with phrase number 115
- Aut dedere aut iudicare - Either extradite or prosecute (Legal Term - International law)
- Beati possidentes - Blessed are those who have (Legal Term - "Possession is nine points of the law")
- Bis de eadem re ne sit actio - The action cannot be brought over again (Legal term - Any attempt to obtain a judicial rehearing of the same question)
- Bona fide - In good faith (Legal term - Documents that establish one's credential)
- Bona fidem in contractibus considerari aequum est - It is fair to consider the good faith of contracts (Legal term)
- Bona fides semper praesumitur nissi mala adesse probetur - Good faith is always presumed, if bad faith is not proven (Legal term)
- Bona Vacantia - Vacant Goods (Legal Term - Something of value with no known owner, like in "The estate of someone who has passed without a will". - Thank you: Roger Hill)
- Bonae fidei possessor suos facit fructus consumptos - The possessor in good faith makes his the fruits consumed (Legal term - Possession is ninth tens of the law)
- Bonum commune praeminet bono singulari unius personae - The common good is more important than the particular good (Legal and Ethical term - Saint Thomas Aquinas - It is, or should be, one of the most important social principles for the state, and foundation of Administrative Law)
- Bonum ex integra causa, malum ex quocunque defectu - An action is good only if each element in it is good; It is bad if any one of those elements is bad (Legal and Ethical term - Saint Thomas Aquinas)
- Brevi manu - With short hand (Legal term - Without legal warrant - Ownership by possession - Compare with longa manu)
- Calumniare est falsa crimina intendere - Slander is a false crime charge (Legal term)
- Capitis deminutio - Lowering of status (Legal term - Civil death: Lose of liberty, citizenship or family ties)
- Casus fortuitus a mora excusat - Fortuitous events should excuse a party (Legal term)
- Causa causae est causa causati - The cause of the cause is the cause of the effect (Legal term)
- Causa criminalis non praeiudicat civile - A criminal case predicate the civil case (Legal term)
- Causa iudicata individua est - A judged matter is indivisible (Legal term)
- Causa mortis - Caused by death (Legal term)
- Causa non debiti numeratae pecunia, de errore calculi - Does not owe money, because the value was calculated incorrectly (Legal term - Thank you: Bose Senome)
- Causa petendi - Alleged cause (Legal term)
- Caveat emptor - Buyer beware (Legal term - Sold as is, no warranty)
- Cessante ratione legis, lex ipsa cessat - when the reason for a law no longer exists, the law itself ceases to exist (Legal term)
- Codex iuris Civilis - Code of Civil Law (Legal term)
- Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur - Nobody should be punished for his thoughts (Legal term)
- Com res iudicata aliis non prosit - Double jeopardy does not benefit others (Legal term)
Total: 648