Ecclesiastical, Catholic, Religious Latin phrases Starting with phrase number 151
- Sacrae disciplinae leges - Code of Canon Law (Ecclesiastical term)
- Sacramentum caritatis - The sacrament of charity (Ecclesiastical term - Definition of the Mass by St. Thomas Aquinas)
- Sacramentum proprie dicitur quod ita signum est gratiae Dei, ei invisibilis gratiae forma, ut ipsius imaginem gerat et causa existat - Something can can properly be called a sacrament if it is a sign of the grace of God and a form of invisible grace, so that it bears its image and exists as its cause (Ecclesiastical term - definition of "sacrament")
- Salus infirmorum - Health of the sick (Ecclesiastical Term -Litany of the Virgin - Litany is a series of short petitions and exhortations sung or said by deacon or priest. This is one of the four that advocates Mary, the helper)
- Sancta Maria Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae - Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death (Ecclesiastical term - Part of the prayer "Hail Mary")
- Sancta Romana et Universalis Ecclesia - Holy Roman and Universal Church (Ecclesiastical term - Title of the Catholic Church by a decree of Pope John XXII, of December 30, 1317)
- Sancta sancte tractanda - Holy things must be treated holily (Ecclesiastical term)
- Sancta sanctorum - The holiest of all holy (Ecclesiastical term)
- Sapientia aedificavit sibi domun - Wisdom has built a house (Ecclesiastical term - vulgate, Proverbs 9,1 - Motto of several Universities)
- Sedeant - Sit down (Ecclesiastical and ceremonial term)
- Sedes non moritur - The seat does not die (Ecclesiastical term - The power of the seat (throne) is transmitted to the next person)
- Semel catholicus, semper catholicus - Once a Catholic, always a Catholic (Ecclesiastical term - Cannon Law)
- Si vis amari ama - I you want to be loved, love (Ecclesiastical term - St. Augustine)
- Sicut ergo Iudith et Tobi et Machabaeorum libros legit quidem Ecclesia, sed inter canonicas scripturas non recipit: sic et haec duo volumina (Eclo y Sab) legat ad aedificationem plebis, non ad auctoritatem ecclesiaticorum dogmatum confirmandam - And just as the Church certainly reads the books of Judith, Tobias and Maccabees, but does not get in the canonical Scriptures, just these two (Ecclesiastic and Wisdom), the Church reads for the edification of the faithful, but not to confirm the authority of ecclesiastical dogmas (St. Jerome)
- Signum dispositivum - Dispositive sign (Ecclesiastical term - person is disposed to share in the divine nature)
- Sint Unum - Be one (with God - Ecclesiastical term)
- Slavorum apostoli - The apostles of the Slavs (Encyclical of Pope John Paul II)
- Sollicitudo rei sociales - The social concern of the Church (Encyclical of Pope John Paul II)
- Spiritualist excursus - Spiritual practice (Ecclesiastical term)
- Stella matutina - Morning Star (Ecclesiastical term - Litany of the virgin)
- Sunt Mala Quae Libas - The drinks that you offer are bad (Ecclesiastical term - Motto written on the cross of San Benito Abad - Abbreviated as SMQL)
- Sursum corda - Raise the hearts (Ecclesiastical term - words uttered by the priest at Mass, at the beginning of the preface. These words are mean that we recall our lofty sentiments and that we must raise our thinking)
- Suspensio a divinis - Suspension of the Divine (Ecclesiastical term - Canonical punishment - Suspension of the right to celebrate sacraments)
- Tantum ergo sacramentum veneremus cernui - So great sacrament, lets worship it in truth (St. Thomas Aquinas - Part of the hymn "Pange Lingua")
- Te Deum Laudamus - We praise God (Old Christian hymn)
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