Ecclesiastical, Catholic, Religious Latin phrases Starting with phrase number 126
- Pacem in terris - Peace on Earth (Ecclesiastical term - Encyclical of Pope John XXIII)
- Panis angelicus - Bread of Angels (Ecclesiastical term - Part of one of Hymns of Saint Thomas Aquinas)
- Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici - Poor fellow soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Ecclesiastical term - Refers to the Templars)
- Pax tecum, et cum spiritu tuo - Peace be with you, and with your spirit (Ecclesiastical Term - When you die go in peace - Thank you: Mrs. I.P. Freely)
- Pontifex Maximus - Supreme Pontiff (Ecclesiastical Term - Refers to the Pope - Often abbreviated as P.M. or Pont. Max.)
- Populorum progressio - The development of the people (Encyclical written by Pope Paul VI)
- Procedamus omnes in pace - All move forward in peace (Ecclesiastical term)
- Procedant omnes - All move forward (Ecclesiastical term - Invitation from the master of ceremonies)
- Propter libidinem - Because of lust (Ecclesiastical term - Thomas Aquinas used this argument to explain that if the priest was a woman, the faithful (men) would get sexually excited)
- Prosit - Cheers (Ecclesiastical term - after a meal and after the priests after Mass)
- Provida mater Ecclesia - Provident Mother Church (Ecclesiastical term - Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XII)
- Puer natus est nobis - A child is born to us (Ecclesiastical term - Introit of the third Mass on Christmas)
- Puer natus in Bethleem - A child is born in Bethlehem (Ecclesiastical term)
- Pueri Hebraeorum - Jewish Children (Ecclesiastical term - Antiphon in the procession of the palms on Palm Sunday)
- Quadragesimo anno - Fortieth anniversary (Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pius XI, commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the publication of Leo XIII's egregious encyclical Rerum Novarum)
- Quaerens quem devoret - Buscando a quien devoraret - Looking for someone to devour (Ecclesiastical term - Vulgate - Epistles I, 5, 8 - In reference to the devil)
- Redemptor hominis - The Redeemer of man (Pope John Paul II - Encyclical letter)
- Redemptoris Mater - The Mother of the Redeemer (Pope John Paul II - Encyclical letter)
- Redemptoris missio - The mission of the Redeemer (Pope John Paul II - Encyclical letter)
- Refugium peccatorum - Refuge of Sinners (Ecclesiastical Term -Litany of the Virgin - Litany is a series of short petitions and exhortations sung or said by deacon or priest. This is one of the four that advocates Mary, the helper)
- Regina coeli, laetare! - Hail, Queen of Heaven! (Ecclesiastical term )
- Remotio obicis - Removal of an impediment (Ecclesiastical term - As in the removal of sin as an impediment to the reception of grace)
- Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis - Give them lord eternal rest and let the perpetual light shine over them (Ecclesiastical term)
- Rerum novarum - Of the new things (Ecclesiastical term - Encyclical letter by Pope Leo XII concerning the conditions of the working classes)
- Sacerdotalis caelibatus - The celibacy of priests (Pope Paul VI Encyclical letter)
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