Ecclesiastical, Catholic, Religious Latin phrases Starting with phrase number 176
- Tribus continuis diebus festivis in ecclesia inter missarum solemnia - In three consecutive festive days, while mass is celebrated (Ecclesiastical Term - Spanish Church, Book of Marriages)
- Turris eburnea - Ivory Tower (Litany of the Virgin)
- Tuum Adoremus Nomen - Let us Adore Thy Name (Ecclesiastical term)
- Ubi caritas gaudet ibi est festivitas - Where there is charity, there is a feast of joy (Ecclesiastical term - St. John Chrysostom)
- Veni Creator Spiritus - Come creator spirit (Ecclesiastical Term - Part of a chant invoking the Holy Spirit)
- Veni Redemptor gentium - Come Redeemer of people (Ecclesiastical Term - Christmas Hymn)
- Venite ad me, et ego dabo vobis omnia bona - Come with me and I will give you all the goods (Ecclesiastical term)
- Veritatis splendor - The Splendor of Truth (Encyclical of Pope John Paul II)
- Vexilla Regis prudeunt inferni - The banners of the King of Hell draw closer (Vexilla Regis Latin hymn by Venantius Fortunatus, Bishop of Poitiers)
- Visita ad limina apostolorum - Visit to the threshold of the apostles (Ecclesiastical term - Obligation to visit the tombs of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Rome)
- Vita mutatur non tollitur - Life does not end, it changes (Ecclesiastical Term - appears in the Preface of the Mass for the dead and is a message of hope for the inevitable death)
- Vos estis lux mundi - You are the light of the world (Ecclesiastical term)
Total: 187