D.M. = Diis manibus - Sacred to the Manes (It is a dedication whose initials abound in pagan graves )
D.M.S. = Diis manibus Sacrum - Dedicated to the Names gods (It is a dedication whose initials abound in pagan graves )
D.N. = Dominus Noster - Our Lord (Often )
DOM = Deo Optimo Maximo - For God, the best and greatest (Bernardo Vincelli used it to label his bottles of Benedictine )
EC = Era Christiana - Christian Era (Often )
e.g. = Exempli gratia - For example (Grammatical term )
EIONPM = Eius in obitu nostro prae muniamur - So His presence protect us at the time of death (Ecclesiastical term - Initials on the back of the Cross of San Benito Abad )
et al. = Et alii - And others (Grammatical term - When there are more than one author, the name of the main author is mention followed by et alii - Sometimes it is written as: Et alia (if women authors), or Et allii )
etc. = Et cetera - And the Rest (Grammatical term - Sometimes spelled as Et Coetera or Et Cœtera )
F.D. = Fidei defensor - Defender of the faith (Title conferred to the king of England )
fec. = Fecit - Done (Often )
F.S.C = Fratellum Scholarum Christianorum - Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (Lasallians )
Id. or Ibid. = Ibidem - In the same place (Grammatical term - Used in footnotes to indicate that the reference/source is the same as above )
i.e. = Id est - That is (Grammatical term )
IHS = Iesus Hic Sacramentum - The Sacrament of Jesus
IHS = Iesus Hominum Salvator - Jesus Savior of men
Imp. = Imperator - Emperor (Commander of the Army )
IMP. = Imperium - Empire
INRI = Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum - Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews (Inscribed on top of Jesus' cross - Vulgate: Matthew 27,37, Mark 15,26; Luke 23,38; and y John 19,19 )
INRI = Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram - Fire completely renews nature (Another version of the masonic motto )
IVB = Ipse Venena Bibas - Drink the poison yourself (Ecclesiastical term used for exorcism )
loc. cit. = Loco Citato - In the place cite (Often )
MA = Magister in Artibus - MA - Master of Arts (University Degree )
MD = Medicinae Doctoris - Medicine Doctor (University Degree )
MNA = Magister in Negotiis Administrandis - Master of Business Administration (University Degree - MBA - Latin version )