Latin Abbreviations

Did you know that many of the abbreviations you use every day, are in Latin?

  1. AA = Ad acta - To the archives (Legal term )
  2. AAS = Anno aetatis suae - In the year of his/her age (Refers to the inscription on the tomb that specifies the age of the deceased )
  3. AAV = Anno aerae vulgaris - The vulgar era (Same as: Common Era Anno Christi, and Anno Domini - Used to count time after the birth of Jesus Christ - Basis of the Western calendar )
  4. AC = Ante Christum - Before Christ (To count years before the birth of Jesus Christ )
  5. AD = Anno Domini - In the year of Our Lord (Used to count time after the birth of Jesus Christ - Basis of the Western calendar )
  6. a.d. = Ante diem - Days before (To refer to dates )
  7. ad lib. = Ad libitum - At will (Legal Term )
  8. A.E.I.O.U. = Austria est imperare orbi universo (A.E.I.O.U.) - It is Austria's imperative to rule the world (Motto of Frederick III of Austria, also in German: Alles Endreich ist Osterreich Unterthan )
  9. AH = Ad Honorem - In honor of (Epigraphy )
  10. AH = Anno Hegirae - Year of the escape (Basis of the Islamic calendar, the year of the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 )
  11. a.i. = Ad interim - In the meantime (Temporarily )
  12. AM = Anno mundi - Year of the world (Basis of the Jewish calendar - Many dates have been calculated, but the most accepted by Jewish scholars is 3761 BC )
  13. AM = Ante Meridiem - Before Meridian (Meridian = noon, midday - Morning, before 12:00 PM )
  14. A.M.D.G. = Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam - For the greater glory of God (Ecclesiastical term - Motto of the Jesuit order - Often found inscribed in many cathedrals )
  15. AR = Anno Regi - Year of the King
  16. a.U.C. = ab Urbe Condita - a.U.C. - From the founding of the city (To count years since the foundation of Rome - 753 AC )
  17. BA = Baccalaurei in Artibus - Bachelor of Arts (Academic term - University Degree )
  18. BS = Baccalaurei in Scientiis - Bachelor of Science (Academic term - University Degree )
  19. c. = Circa - Around (Refers to dates )
  20. c.a. = Circa Anum - Around the year (Refers to dates )
  21. CANTAB = Cantabridgienses - Student of the Cambridge University
  22. cf. or cfr. = Confere - Compare, refer (Used in footnotes )
  23. CSSML = Crux Sancta Sit Mihi Lux - Let the Holy Cross be my light (Ecclesiastical term - Initials on the back of the Cross of San Benito Abad )
  24. D.G = Dei Gratia - By the Grace of God (Expresses the divine rights of the monarchy )
  25. D.G.R. = Dei Gratia Regina - By the Grace of God to the Kings (Expresses the divine rights of the monarchy )

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