Latin phrases about War Starting with phrase number 21
- Nihil sine Deo - Nothing without God! (Motto of the coat of arms of the German Hohenzollern dynasty, which ruled Germany until 1918, the year of the end of World War I. )
- Nobiscum Deus - God with us (Battlecry of the Roman and Byzantine Empire - In its Germanized form "Gott mit us" was the theme of battle royal house of Prussia and the German Army motto in World War II)
- Non culum batum belli, culum batum culum mortis - Queers do not go to war. Fag that goes, fag that dies (It is an expression used when someone is afraid of something)
- Nunc Minerva, postea Palas Atenea - First wisdom, after the war (Motto of military engineers from Spain, Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, Palas Atenea of war)
- Nunquam non paratus - Never unprepared (Motto of an Empire preparing for war)
- Omnis amans militat - Every lover makes war (Ovid, Amores, I, 9, 1)
- Pia Civitas in Bello - Pious City in War (Pope Innocent IX (1591) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Patriarch of Jerusalem)
- Plus quam civila bella - Worse than civil war
- Religio Depopulata - Unpopulated Religion (Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because he reigned during War War I and the Russian Revolution)
- Res ad triarios venit - The thing has come to the Triarii (Critical issue - The Triari were the reserved soldiers. When it got to this point in war, it meant that all the front soldiers had fallen)
- Si vis pacem para bellum - If you want peace prepare for war (The display of military might discourages war - Thank you: Joe Pappalardo - Phrase originally used by the German Empire. It was shortened to "Parabellum" and referred to 9mm ammunition used during WWI. Modern 9mm bullets still retain the "Parabellum" designation - Thank you: E.S.)
- Silent enim leges inter arma - Laws are silent in times of war (Cicero)
- Statu quo ante bello - The state before the war
- Sub hasta - Under the lance (That's where the share on the war spoils)
- Summa sedes non capit duos - The maximum power cannot be reached by two (Answer by the Roman Senate to the Carthaginian peace embassy, sent along the captive consul Regulus, after the first Punic War )
- Tune Mariun audebis occidere? - Do you dare to kill Gaius Marius? (Appian - Civil War - Gaius Marius said this to the soldier to kill him. That soldier did not dare after he heard this)
- Ubi mors ibi spes - Where there is death, there is hope (Motto in a Falange Flag during the Spanish Civil War)
- Zama quinque dierum iter a Carthagine abest - Zama far from Cartago a journey of five days (Livy - Book XXX, 29 - Zama was the battle that "ended" war between Scipio Africanus and Anhibal)
Total: 38