Latin phrases about War
Starting with phrase number 21

  1. Nihil sine Deo - Nothing without God! (Motto of the coat of arms of the German Hohenzollern dynasty, which ruled Germany until 1918, the year of the end of World War I. )
  2. Nobiscum Deus - God with us (Battlecry of the Roman and Byzantine Empire - In its Germanized form "Gott mit us" was the theme of battle royal house of Prussia and the German Army motto in World War II)
  3. Non culum batum belli, culum batum culum mortis - Queers do not go to war. Fag that goes, fag that dies (It is an expression used when someone is afraid of something)
  4. Nunc Minerva, postea Palas Atenea - First wisdom, after the war (Motto of military engineers from Spain, Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, Palas Atenea of war)
  5. Nunquam non paratus - Never unprepared (Motto of an Empire preparing for war)
  6. Omnis amans militat - Every lover makes war (Ovid, Amores, I, 9, 1)
  7. Pia Civitas in Bello - Pious City in War (Pope Innocent IX (1591) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Patriarch of Jerusalem)
  8. Plus quam civila bella - Worse than civil war
  9. Religio Depopulata - Unpopulated Religion (Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because he reigned during War War I and the Russian Revolution)
  10. Res ad triarios venit - The thing has come to the Triarii (Critical issue - The Triari were the reserved soldiers. When it got to this point in war, it meant that all the front soldiers had fallen)
  11. Si vis pacem para bellum - If you want peace prepare for war (The display of military might discourages war - Thank you: Joe Pappalardo - Phrase originally used by the German Empire. It was shortened to "Parabellum" and referred to 9mm ammunition used during WWI. Modern 9mm bullets still retain the "Parabellum" designation - Thank you: E.S.)
  12. Silent enim leges inter arma - Laws are silent in times of war (Cicero)
  13. Statu quo ante bello - The state before the war
  14. Sub hasta - Under the lance (That's where the share on the war spoils)
  15. Summa sedes non capit duos - The maximum power cannot be reached by two (Answer by the Roman Senate to the Carthaginian peace embassy, sent along the captive consul Regulus, after the first Punic War )
  16. Tune Mariun audebis occidere? - Do you dare to kill Gaius Marius? (Appian - Civil War - Gaius Marius said this to the soldier to kill him. That soldier did not dare after he heard this)
  17. Ubi mors ibi spes - Where there is death, there is hope (Motto in a Falange Flag during the Spanish Civil War)
  18. Zama quinque dierum iter a Carthagine abest - Zama far from Cartago a journey of five days (Livy - Book XXX, 29 - Zama was the battle that "ended" war between Scipio Africanus and Anhibal)

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