Latin quotes by Seneca
Starting with phrase number 51

  1. Talis hominibus fuit oratio qualis vita - Such was the men's style, as their life (Seneca Epistles, 114,1)
  2. Testimonium veritati, non amicitiae reddas - Truthful testimony, not given because of friendship (Seneca)
  3. Tota vita nihil aliud quam ad mortem iter est - All life is nothing but a path to death (Seneca)
  4. Tranquillo enim ut aiunt quilibet gubernator est - So they say, any ruler is useful in peacetime (Seneca - Epistulae morales ad Lucilium 85,34 )
  5. Unusquisque mavult credere quam iudicare - Everyone prefers to believe than to discuss (to think - Seneca)
  6. Veritatis simplex oratio est - The language of truth is simple (Seneca)
  7. Viri infelicis procul amici - Friends stay away from an unhappy man (Seneca)

Total: 57

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