Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 975

  1. De Pannonia Tusciae - From Tuscan Hungary (Antipope Callixtus III (1168-1178) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born in Hungary and was a Tuscan bishop)
  2. De parvis grandis acervus erit - Greatness out of small things (Motto Google's toolbar)
  3. De Parvo Homine - From a Little Man (Pope Pius III (1503) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His last name was Piccolomini (piccolo = "small" and uomoni = "men" and reigned only 26 days)
  4. De populo barbaro - About the barbaric people
  5. De Principio Individui - On the Principle of the Individual (1663 Thesis of Gottfried Leibniz)
  6. De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine - Out of the depths I have cried to You, O Lord (Vulgate - Psalms 130, 1)
  7. De profundis clamavi cor meum, epur corde tua non contestat et anima mea non requiescat - From the depths, my heart has called you, however there is no answer from your heart, and my soul never sleep
  8. De re rustica - From the work on the farm (Rustic)
  9. De Rore Caeli - Of the Dew of the Heavens (Pope Urban VII (1590) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Archbishop of Rossano in Calabria, where "dew of heaven"), a sap from local trees, was collected)
  10. De Rure Albo - From the White Field (Pope Adrian IV (1154-1159) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born in Saint Albans (albus = "white") and his family were farmers)
  11. De Rure Bovensi - From Cattle Country (Pope Celestine III (1191-1198) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His last name was Bobone (bovis = cattle))
  12. De Schola Exiet - Let Him Come Out of School (Pope Clement III (1187-1191) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His last name was Scolari)
  13. De Sutore Osseo - Of the Bony Cobbler (Pope John XXII (1316-1334) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was the son of a shoemaker (cobbler) with the French last name D'Euze, "of Bones")
  14. De Usu Partium Corporis Humani - About the use of the parts of the human body (Title of a book by the Greek physician Galen, 129-200 AD)
  15. De verbo ad verbum - Word by word
  16. De viris - About men (e.g. De Viris Illustribus - On illustrious men)
  17. De visu et de audito - Having saw and heard (Legal term: e.g. witness “de visu”)
  18. De vita et moribus - The life and character
  19. De vita Iulii Agricolae - About the life of Iulius Agricola (Tacitus - Iulius Agricola was his father-in-law)
  20. Debet semper plus esse virium in vectores quam in onere - The one that carries the burden, must always be stronger than the burden (Seneca)
  21. Debitor est - Is debtor (Legal term)
  22. Decemviri stlitibus iudicandis - The ten judges (Set of ten judges in charge to resolve cases in which there were doubts about the Roman citizenship of any person, in ancient Rome)
  23. Decet amicitiam colere (retinere, tueri) - Cultivate friendship (Ciceron - De amicitia)
  24. Decet imperatorem stantem mori - It is advantageous that the emperor die standing (Suetonius, Vespasian, 24)
  25. Decimus humilitatis gradus est si non sit facilis ac promptus in risu, quia scriptum est: stultus in risu exaltat vocem suam - The tenth degree of humility is that the monk is not easy or soon to laugh, because it is written: Only fools raise their voices to laugh (Saint Benedict Rules, Cap. VII)

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