Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 947

  1. De Flumine Magno - From a Great River). Clement X (1670-1676) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some claim that this motto refers to an overflow of the Tiber river banks, in Rome, where he was born, on the day he was born)
  2. De gustibus et coloribus no es disputandum - One must not quarrel over taste and colors
  3. De gustibus non disputandum est! - There is no accounting for taste! ( Cicero )
  4. De iis quae scripta sunt phisice in libris sacris sive de sacra philosophia - On physical things written in the holy books, or the sacred philosophy (Francisco Valles, Spanish Doctor, 1524-1592)
  5. De incognito - From unknown
  6. De indisolubilia non disputatur - We must not continue discussing what we can not resolve or agree (Philosophical term - It is used when certain debates become endless because the contestants start from different premises or incompatible values)
  7. De inferno praegnante - From Hell in Childbirth (Pope Urban VI (1378-1389) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born in a place called Inferno (Hell) near Naples)
  8. De internis non iudicat Ecclesia - About internal matters the Church does not judge
  9. De iure - In law (Legal term - As opposed to facts Ad facto - Also see ipso iure)
  10. De jure, de facto - Under law, matter of fact (Legal term)
  11. De Labore Solis - Of the Eclipse of the Sun, or from the Labour of the sun or from the pregnancy of the sun (Pope John Paul II (1978-2005) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There was a solar eclipse the day he was born)
  12. De lege ferenda - what the law ought to be (Legal Term - as opposed to what the law is)
  13. De lege lata - What the law is (Legal Term - as opposed to what the law ought to be)
  14. De lingua latina - About the Latin language (Varro)
  15. De locis santis - About the Holy Land
  16. De Medietate Lunae - Of the Middleness of the Moon (Pope John Paul I (1978) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born in Belluno (Beautiful moon), his reign started on a half-moon and only lasted half-month)
  17. De Meliore Sidere - From a Better Star (Pope Innocent VII (1404-1406) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was called Meliorati and his coat of arms had a star)
  18. De minimis non curat lex - The law does not concern itself with trifles (Legal term)
  19. De minimis non curat praetor - A praetor does not concern himself with petty matters (Legal term)
  20. De Modicitate Lunae - Of the Moon's Temperance (Pope Nicholas V (1447-1455) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born in Garzeino, diocese of the moons, his family was poor)
  21. De Montibus Pammachii - From the Mountains of Pammachius (Pope Innocent VI (1352-1362) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was cardinal of Pammachius and his coat of arms depicted six mountains)
  22. De mortuis nil nisi bonum - Say nothing but good about the dead
  23. De motu proprio - Of his own accord (Legal term)
  24. De nihilo nihil fit - You cannot make anything out of nothing (Philosophical term)
  25. De omni re scibili quibusdam et aliis - About everything there is to know and other things ( De omni re scibili by the Italian philosopher Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) and quibusdam et aliis was added by the French Francis Mary Aruet Voltaire (1694-1778) )

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