Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 897

  1. Cum vita brevis sit, nolite tempus perdere - Since life is short, do not waste time (Philosophical term)
  2. Cunne - Cunt
  3. Cupis me esse nequam tamen ero fruti bonae - You wish me worthless, but I will produce good fruit
  4. Cur in amicorum vitiis tam cernis acutum - Why you look so intensely to the faults of my frieds (Horace - Satire, III)
  5. Cura annonae - Administrator of the market
  6. Cura fugit multo diluiturque mero - Worry flees and is dissolved in much wine (Ovid Ars Amatoria I, 237)
  7. Cura ludorum - Administrator of the game
  8. Cura urbis - Administrator of the public order
  9. Curator ad litem - Guardian for the lawsuit (Legal term - a person assigned by the cour to represent a minor)
  10. Curator aquarum - Administrator of water
  11. Curia Regis - Royal Council
  12. Curriculum vitae - Course of life (Résumé - Document that describes a person academic and work accomplishments)
  13. Cursus honorum - The political career during the Roman Republic
  14. Da capo - From the beginning ( - Thank you: Willem Ernst )
  15. Da mi basia mille, deinde centum, dein mille altera, dein secunda centum - Give me a thousand kisses, then another hundred, then another thousand, then a hundred more (Catullus - Love phrase - Kisses for catullus)
  16. Da mihi animas, et caetera tolle - Give me the souls and keep the rest (Vulgate - Genesis 14,21)
  17. Da mihi castitatem et continentiam, sed noli modo - Give me chastity and continence, but not just yet (Augustine of Hippo - Confessions)
  18. Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius - Give me the facts, and I will give you justice (Legal term)
  19. Da populo, da verba mihi - Tell it to the people, tell it to me (Publius Ovid Amores)
  20. Da quod iubes et iube quod vis - Da lo que mandas, y manda lo que quieras - Give what thou commandest and command what thou wilt (Philosophical term - Augustine)
  21. Da ubi consistam, et terram caelumque movebo - Give me a foothold and I will move the world (Latin translation of an Archimedes' phrase used to explain the fulcrum, or leverage point of a lever)
  22. Daemoni etiam vera dicenti, non est credendum - Even when the devil tells the truth, he must not be believe
  23. Damnati ad metalla - Condemmed to the mines (Slaves condemmed to force labor)
  24. Damnatio memoriae - Conviction of memory
  25. Damnum absque iniuria - Damage without injury (Legal term)

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