Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 875
- Cum Deus auxilio est, nemo nocere potest - With God's help, no one can harm us
- Cum ditissimus sis te diligere non possum - Although you are very rich, I can not give you attention
- Cum finis est licitus etiam media sunt licita - When the end is legal, the means are legal (Legal and Philosophic term written in 1650 by the Jesuit priest Hermann Busenbaum 1600-1688 - Also known as "The end justifies the means")
- Cum forma dilapsus amor - Love dissipates with beauty
- Cum fovet fortuna, cave namque rota rotunda - When fortune favors you, be careful, because the wheel turns
- Cum grano salis - With a grain of salt (Pliny the Elder - With caution or incredulity)
- Cum hoc ergo propter hoc - With this, therefore because of this (Legal and philosophical term - A fallacy that confuses cause and effect)
- Cum in domum alienam veneris, et mutus et surdus esto - When you enter someone else's home, be deaf and dumb
- Cum infirmor tunc potens sum - The measure of his weakness increases its strength
- Cum inter nonnullos - Like among others (Canonical decree by Pope John XXII published on November 12, 1323 declaring that it was heresy to say that Jesus and his apostles owned nothing)
- Cum Laude - With Praise (Academic term - Used on degree certificates to indicate exceptional academic standing)
- Cum lupus addiscit psalm desiderat agnos - While a wolf learns Psalms, he wishes for lamb
- Cum permissu superiorum - With permission of the superiors
- Cum portae appropinquaret,.... portula aperitur - As he approaches the portal, the back door opens (Livy XXV, 9 - Referring to Hannibal at the portal, and the kings soldiers ready to escape)
- Cum privilegio - With privileg
- Cum quibus - With which
- Cum Romae fueritis, romano vivite more - If you go to Rome, Live as romans do ("When in Rome, do as the Romans do")
- Cum siderare - With the stars (Consider)
- Cum sis mortalis quae sunt mortalia cura - Since you are mortal, attend to perishable things (Cato - Disticha 2)
- Cum tacent, clamant! - When they are silent, they shout! (Silence says more than words)
- Cum tridui viam processisset - With only three days' way forward (Julius Caesar - De Bello Gallico IV)
- Cum virtutis potestas etiam in evacuandi se potestate permaneat - With the virtue of power, even when releasing power, the power remains. (Philosophical term - Hilarius - De Trinitate 1206)
- Cum vita brevis sit, nolite tempus perdere - Since life is short, do not waste time (Philosophical term)
- Cunne - Cunt
- Cupis me esse nequam tamen ero fruti bonae - You wish me worthless, but I will produce good fruit
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